Ilya Snetkov, Xingxing Jiang, Zheshuai Lin, “Near-zero thermal expansion diamagnetic as a magneto-optical material for Faraday isolators for high power laser radiation”, Scripta Materialia, 255 (2025), 116354
Ilya Snetkov, “Faraday isolator with compensation depolarization caused by Verdet constant temperature dependence”, Appl. Phys. B, 130:5 (2024)
Linjing Yang, Xuan Wang, Chuanfei Yao, Zipeng Xu, Guochuan Ren, Kaihang Li, Pingxue Li, “High-power tunable Raman soliton generation in large core diameter passive fibers via a precise fundamental-mode matching technique”, Opt. Express, 32:3 (2024), 4036
Lixuan Zhang, Aleksey V. Starobor, Dianjun Hu, Xiao Li, Chen Hu, Lexiang Wu, Oleg V. Palashov, Jiang Li, “Highly transparent Tb3Al5O12 ceramics for kilowatt‐level Faraday isolator”, J Am Ceram Soc., 107:6 (2024), 3653
Ilya Snetkov, 2024 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2024, 69
Johann Gabriel Meyer, Andrea Zablah, Kristaps Kapzems, Nazar Kovalenko, Oleg Pronin, “Multipass Faraday rotators and isolators”, Opt. Express, 32:17 (2024), 29227
Ilya Snetkov, Xingxing Jiang, Zheshuai Lin, Laser Congress 2024 (ASSL, LAC, LS&C), 2024, JTu2A.14
И. А. Щербаков, “О некоторых научных результатах, полученных в институтах Отделения физических наук РАН за последние 25 лет”, УФН, 194:12 (2024), 1242–1249
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A.V. Starobor, E.A. Mironov, O.V. Palashov, “Single-stage Faraday isolator ensuring isolation ratio over 50 dB”, Optik, 295 (2023), 171539
Р. Е. Николаев, В. А. Трифонов, А. А. Павлюк, Е. В. Полякова, И. Ю. Филатова, Н. Г. Наумов, “Исследование растворимости и процесса испарения в системе Tb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>–Li<sub>6</sub>Tb(BO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>”, Неорганические материалы, 59:3 (2023), 301
Ondřej Slezák, David Vojna, Jan Pilař, Martin Divoký, Ondřej Denk, Martin Hanuš, Petr Navrátil, Martin Smrž, Antonio Lucianetti, Tomáš Mocek, “Faraday isolator for a 100 J/10 Hz pulsed laser”, Opt. Lett., 48:13 (2023), 3471
A. Starobor, E. Mironov, O. Palashov, S. Balabanov, “Thermal lens in magneto-active ZnS, ZnSe and CdSe semiconductor media”, Optical Materials, 138 (2023), 113740
David Vojna, Denis N. Karimov, Anna G. Ivanova, Pavel A. Popov, Hikaru Kumai, Ryo Yasuhara, Ondřej Slezák, Martin Smrž, Tomáš Mocek, “Growth and characterization of the KDy3F10 and Na0.38Dy0.62F2.24 fluoride crystals for the Faraday devices”, Optical Materials, 142 (2023), 114016
E. A. Mironov, I. L. Snetkov, A. V. Starobor, O. V. Palashov, “A perspective on Faraday isolators for advanced lasers”, Applied Physics Letters, 122:10 (2023)
R. E. Nikolaev, V. A. Trifonov, A. A. Pavlyuk, E. V. Polyakova, I. Yu. Filatova, N. G. Naumov, “Solubility and Vaporization in the Tb2O3–Li6Tb(BO3)3 System”, Inorg Mater, 59:3 (2023), 291
Lixuan Zhang, Dianjun Hu, Ilya L. Snetkov, Stanislav Balabanov, Oleg Palashov, Jiang Li, “A review on magneto-optical ceramics for Faraday isolators”, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 12:5 (2023), 873
I.L. Snetkov, R.D. Blagin, V.S. Shiryaev, E.V. Karaksina, “Magneto-optical and thermo-optical properties of the Ge-Sb-As-S glass”, Optical Materials, 143 (2023), 114277
Vivek Kumar Nautiyal, Pawan Singh, Pranav Upadhyay, Khem B. Thapa, “Theoretical investigation of optical properties and Faraday rotation of one-dimensional periodic structure of magneto-optical material with a defect electro-optical material for the supported Tamm plasmon polaritons”, Indian J Phys, 96:13 (2022), 3941
Ilya Snetkov, Alexey Yakovlev, “Faraday isolator based on crystalline silicon for 2-µm laser radiation”, Opt. Lett., 47:7 (2022), 1895
Anastasiya Ponosova, Daria Ruzhitskaya, Poompong Chaiwongkhot, Vladimir Egorov, Vadim Makarov, Anqi Huang, “Protecting Fiber-Optic Quantum Key Distribution Sources against Light-Injection Attacks”, PRX Quantum, 3:4 (2022)