1. Harold J. Kushner, “Approximations and computational methods for Optimal Stopping and Stochastic Impulsive Control problems”, Appl Math Optim, 3:2-3 (1976), 81  crossref
  2. Andrew D. Barbour, “Networks of queues and the method of stages”, Adv. Appl. Probab., 8:03 (1976), 584  crossref
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  7. H. J. Kushner, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 107, Control Theory, Numerical Methods and Computer Systems Modelling, 1975, 336  crossref
  8. Allan Gut, “Weak convergence and first passage times”, Journal of Applied Probability, 12:2 (1975), 324  crossref
  9. H. J. Kushner, “Existence results for optimal stochastic controls”, J Optim Theory Appl, 15:4 (1975), 347  crossref
  10. N. H. Bingham, “Fluctuation theory in continuous time”, Adv. Appl. Probab., 7:04 (1975), 705  crossref
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  13. John Crowley, “Asymptotic Normality of a New Nonparametric Statistic for Use in Organ Transplant Studies”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69:348 (1974), 1006  crossref
  14. Harold J Kushner, Chen-Fu Yu, “Approximations, existence, and numerical procedures for optimal stochastic controls”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 45:3 (1974), 563  crossref
  15. Д. С. Сильвестров, “Условия сходимости суперпозиции случайных процессов в J-топологии”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 18:3 (1973), 605–608  mathnet; D. S. Sil'vestrov, “Conditions for convergence of the superposition of stochastic processes in J-topology”, Theory Probab. Appl., 18:3 (1974), 579–582  mathnet  crossref
  16. Roberto Bafico, “On the definition of stochastic differential games an the existence of value ond of saddle points”, Annali di Matematica, 96:1 (1973), 41  crossref
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  19. N. H. Bingham, “Maxima of sums of random variables and suprema of stable processes”, Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw Gebiete, 26:4 (1973), 273  crossref
  20. DAVID R. BRILLINGER, Multivariate Analysis–III, 1973, 241  crossref