1. Lucio Galeati, Máté Gerencsér, “Solution theory of fractional SDEs in complete subcritical regimes”, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 13 (2025)  crossref
  2. Rémi Catellier, Romain Duboscq, “Regularization by noise for rough differential equations driven by Gaussian rough paths”, Ann. Probab., 53:1 (2025)  crossref
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  4. Alexander Veretennikov, “On higher order moments and rates of convergence for SDEs with switching”, Mosc. Math. J., 24:1 (2024), 107–124  mathnet
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  6. Andrea Bovo, Tiziano De Angelis, Elena Issoglio, “Variational Inequalities on Unbounded Domains for Zero-Sum Singular Controller vs. Stopper Games”, Mathematics of OR, 2024  crossref
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  9. Roman Chertovskih, Nikolay Pogodaev, Maxim Staritsyn, A. Pedro Aguiar, “Optimal Control of Diffusion Processes: Infinite-Order Variational Analysis and Numerical Solution”, IEEE Control Syst. Lett., 8 (2024), 1469  crossref
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  13. René Carmona, Mathieu Laurière, Pierre-Louis Lions, “Nonstandard stochastic control with nonlinear Feynman–Kac costs”, Illinois J. Math., 68:3 (2024)  crossref
  14. Aythami Bethencourt de León, So Takao, “Transport noise restores uniqueness and prevents blow-up in geometric transport equations”, Stoch PDE: Anal Comp, 2024  crossref
  15. Marc Abeille, Bruno Bouchard, Lorenzo Croissant, “Diffusive limit approximation of pure jump optimal ergodic control problems”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2024, 104536  crossref
  16. Lucio Galeati, Massimiliano Gubinelli, “Prevalence of ρ-irregularity and related properties”, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., 60:4 (2024)  crossref
  17. Gaoyue Guo, Sam D. Howison, Dylan Possamaï, Christoph Reisinger, “Randomness and early termination: What makes a game exciting?”, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, 2024  crossref
  18. Marios Andreou, Nan Chen, “A Martingale-Free Introduction to Conditional Gaussian Nonlinear Systems”, Entropy, 27:1 (2024), 2  crossref
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