1. V. P. Meshalkin, M. R. Kozlovskii, R. A. Kozlovskii, I. A. Kozlovskii, Ya. A. Ibatov, M. S. Voronov, “Kinetics of Esterification of Ammonium Lactate with n-Butanol”, Dokl Phys Chem, 511:1 (2023), 117  crossref
  2. V. P. Meshalkin, V. I. Bobkov, M. I. Dli, A. V. Garabadzhiu, S. V. Panchenko, V. A. Orekhov, “Experimental Studies of the Physicochemical Process of Heating Ore Phosphorites”, Russ J Gen Chem, 93:3 (2023), 686  crossref
  3. V. P. Meshalkin, O. B. Butusov, A. G. Kolmakov, M. A. Sevost'yanov, T. B. Chistyakova, “A Fractal Analysis of the Effect of Titanium Dioxides on the Biological Properties of Bioinorganic Composite Materials”, Theor Found Chem Eng, 57:3 (2023), 265  crossref
  4. V. P. Meshalkin, V. I. Bobkov, M. I. Dli, V. A. Orekhov, T. B. Chistyakova, “Algorithm for Processing Data on the Thermophysical Properties of Phosphorites by Solving the Inverse-Coefficient Heat-Conduction Problem”, Theor Found Chem Eng, 57:1 (2023), 14  crossref
  5. Andrey Polosin, Tamara Chistyakova, 2023 Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Mechanics: Current Problems (AMCSM), 2023, 1  crossref
  6. V. P. Meshalkin, E. T. Babakov, N. A. Bumagin, M. Ya. Melnikov, L. A. Tjurina, “Desulfurization of a Low-Pressure Gas: Technology and Equipment for Oil Recovery”, Moscow Univ. Chem. Bull., 77:6 (2022), 340  crossref
  7. V. P. Meshalkin, V. I. Bobkov, M. I. Dli, V. A. Orekhov, A. V. Garabadzhiu, “Heat Conductivity of a Composite Phosphate Ore Material with Reacting Carbonate Inclusions”, Theor Found Chem Eng, 56:6 (2022), 971  crossref
  8. V.P. Meshalkin, V.M. Panarin, A.A. Maslova, S.A. Savinkova, “Digital Monitoring System for Gas Emissions of Industrial Waste Landfills Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, Èkol. prom. Ross., 26:8 (2022), 4  crossref
  9. V. P. Meshalkin, N. N. Kulov, T. V. Guseva, I. O. Tikhonova, Yu. N. Burvikova, Ch. Bhimani, K. A. Shchelchkov, “Best Available Techniques and Green Chemical Technology: Possibilities for Convergence of Concepts”, Theor Found Chem Eng, 56:6 (2022), 964  crossref
  10. V. P. Meshalkin, E. A. Babakov, “Improvement of the adsorption-absorption vapor recovery unit for cleaning the gas-air mixture from volatile organic compounds and hydrogen sulfide when loading naphtha on marine tankers”, Vestn. Voronež. gos. univ. inž. tehnol., 84:2 (2022), 243  crossref
  11. Tamara B. Chistyakova, Dmitrij N. Furaev, 2022 International Conference on Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS), 2022, 27  crossref
  12. V. P. Meshalkin, I. A. Pochitalkina, Yu. A. Bessolova, A. V. Artamonov, “Methodology of Organization of Closed Water Circulation of Enterprises for the Production of Extraction of Phosphoric Acid and Mineral Fertilizers”, Russ J Gen Chem, 92:12 (2022), 2993  crossref
  13. Valery Meshalkin, Alfir Akhmetov, Lyubov Lenchenkova, Antony Nzioka, Anatoly Politov, Vladimir Strizhnev, Aleksey Telin, Alsu Fakhreeva, “Application of Renewable Natural Materials for Gas and Water Shutoff Processes in Oil Wells”, Energies, 15:23 (2022), 9216  crossref
  14. V. P. Meshalkin, O. B. Butusov, Andrea Reverberi, A. G. Kolmakov, M. A. Sevostyanov, A. V. Garabadzhiu, A. G. Alexandrova, “Multifractal Analysis of the Mechanical PropOKerties of the Texture of Biopolymer-Inorganic Composites of Chitosan-Silicon Dioxide”, Energies, 15:19 (2022), 7147  crossref