Elena A. Golysheva, Denis S. Baranov, Sergei A. Dzuba, “Evidence for capture of spin-labeled ibuprofen drug molecules by lipid rafts in model membranes”, Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 266 (2025), 105450
Olga D. Bakulina, Mikhail Yu. Ivanov, Sergey A. Prikhod'ko, Kristina A. Smirnova, Renad Z. Sagdeev, Nicolay Yu. Adonin, Matvey V. Fedin, “Permanent Encapsulation of Mobile Molecules in Ionic Solids: Unraveling the Local Microstructure Using Molecular Probes”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2025
Olga D. Bakulina, Mikhail Yu. Ivanov, Sergey A. Prikhod'ko, Nicolay Yu. Adonin, Matvey V. Fedin, “Effects of Zwitterions on Structural Anomalies in Ionic Liquid Glasses Studied by EPR”, Nanomaterials, 13:15 (2023), 2164
Daniil A. Boiko, Alexey S. Kashin, Vyacheslav R. Sorokin, Yury V. Agaev, Roman G. Zaytsev, Valentine P. Ananikov, “Analyzing ionic liquid systems using real-time electron microscopy and a computational framework combining deep learning and classic computer vision techniques”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 376 (2023), 121407
M. V. Fedin, “EPR spectroscopy of functional nanostructures: new targeted approaches and applications”, Russ Chem Bull, 72:2 (2023), 312
Mikhail Yu. Ivanov, Olga D. Bakulina, Yuliya F. Polienko, Igor A. Kirilyuk, Sergey A. Prikhod'ko, Nicolay Yu. Adonin, Matvey V. Fedin, “Radical ionic liquid: An efficient self-probe to study heterogeneous structure in glassy state using EPR spectroscopy”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 381 (2023), 121830
Nicole M. Stephens, Hayley P. Masching, Mohammad K. I. Walid, Jacob W. Petrich, Jared L. Anderson, Emily A. Smith, “Temperature-Dependent Constrained Diffusion of Micro-Confined Alkylimidazolium Chloride Ionic Liquids”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 126:23 (2022), 4324
Olga Bakulina, Mikhail Ivanov, Dmitriy Alimov, Sergey Prikhod'ko, Nicolay Adonin, Matvey Fedin, “Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient-Ionic Liquids (API-ILs): Nanostructure of the Glassy State Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”, Molecules, 27:16 (2022), 5117
Anna V. Vavina, Marina M. Seitkalieva, Alexandra V. Posvyatenko, Evgeniy G. Gordeev, Elena N. Strukova, Ksenia S. Egorova, Valentine P. Ananikov, “Merging structural frameworks of imidazolium, pyridinium, and cholinium ionic liquids with cinnamic acid to tune solution state behavior and properties”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 352 (2022), 118673
Ksenia S. Egorova, Marina M. Seitkalieva, Alexey S. Kashin, Evgeniy G. Gordeev, Anna V. Vavina, Alexandra V. Posvyatenko, Valentine P. Ananikov, “Biological activity, solvation properties and microstructuring of protic imidazolium ionic liquids”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 367 (2022), 120450
Sergei A. Dzuba, “Probing Small-Angle Molecular Motions with EPR Spectroscopy: Dynamical Transition and Molecular Packing in Disordered Solids”, Magnetochemistry, 8:2 (2022), 19
Mikhail Yu. Ivanov, Nikolay V. Surovtsev, Matvey V. Fedin, “Ionic liquid glasses: properties and applications”, Усп. хим., 91:3 (2022), RCR5031
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O. D. Bakulina, M. Yu. Ivanov, S. A. Prikhod'ko, N. Yu. Adonin, M. V. Fedin, “EPR study of nanostructuring in protic ionic liquids [PriNH3]NO3 and [BuNH3]NO3”, Russ Chem Bull, 70:12 (2021), 2359
Mikhail Yu. Ivanov, Olga D. Bakulina, Dmitriy V. Alimov, Sergey A. Prikhod'ko, Sergey L. Veber, Svetlana Pylaeva, Nicolay Yu. Adonin, Matvey V. Fedin, “Inherent heterogeneities and nanostructural anomalies in organic glasses revealed by EPR”, Nanoscale Adv., 3:17 (2021), 4973
Mikhail Yu. Ivanov, Yuliya F. Polienko, Igor A. Kirilyuk, Sergey A. Prikhod'ko, Nicolay Yu. Adonin, Matvey V. Fedin, “Peek Inside the Water Mixtures of Ionic Liquids at Molecular Level: Microscopic Properties Probed by EPR Spectroscopy”, IJMS, 22:21 (2021), 11900
Mikhail Yu. Ivanov, Sergey A. Prikhod'ko, Olga D. Bakulina, Alexey S. Kiryutin, Nicolay Yu. Adonin, Matvey V. Fedin, “Validation of Structural Grounds for Anomalous Molecular Mobility in Ionic Liquid Glasses”, Molecules, 26:19 (2021), 5828
Ksenia S. Egorova, Alexandra V. Posvyatenko, Artem N. Fakhrutdinov, Alexey S. Galushko, Marina M. Seitkalieva, Valentine P. Ananikov, “Synergistic/antagonistic cytotoxic effects in mixtures of ionic liquids with doxorubicin or mitoxantrone”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 323 (2021), 114870
Alexey S. Kashin, Valentine P. Ananikov, “Nanoscale Advancement Continues—From Catalysts and Reagents to Restructuring of Reaction Media”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 60:35 (2021), 18926
Marina M. Seitkalieva, Anna V. Vavina, Alexandra V. Posvyatenko, Ksenia S. Egorova, Alexey S. Kashin, Evgeniy G. Gordeev, Elena N. Strukova, Leonid V. Romashov, Valentine P. Ananikov, “Biomass-Derived Ionic Liquids Based on a 5-HMF Platform Chemical: Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Activity, and Tunable Interactions at the Molecular Level”, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 9:9 (2021), 3552
Alexey S. Kashin, Daniil A. Boiko, Valentine P. Ananikov, “Neural Network Analysis of Electron Microscopy Video Data Reveals the Temperature‐Driven Microphase Dynamics in the Ions/Water System”, Small, 17:24 (2021)