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  2. R. N. Abdullaev, R. A. Khairulin, A. Sh. Agazhanov, A. R. Khairulin, Yu. M. Kozlovskii, D. A. Samoshkin, “Plotnost, teplovoe rasshirenie, entalpiya, teploemkost i teploprovodnost kaltsiya v intervale temperatur 720–1290 K”, Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii, 68:2 (2023), 158  crossref
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  4. Rasul N. Abdullaev, Rashid A. Khairulin, Yurii M. Kozlovskii, Sergei V. Stankus, Alibek Sh. Agazhanov, “Density and Thermal Expansion of Magnesium–Calcium Alloys in Solid and Liquid States”, Int J Thermophys, 44:5 (2023)  crossref
  5. Rasul N. Abdullaev, Yurii M. Kozlovskii, Dmitrii A. Samoshkin, Sergei V. Stankus, Alibek Sh. Agazhanov, “Peculiarities of the Eutectic Mg–Li Alloy Thermal Expansion, Heat Capacity and Thermal Conductivity Behavior in the Temperature Range of 80 K to 293 K”, Int J Thermophys, 44:7 (2023)  crossref
  6. Yu. M. Kozlovskii, S. V. Stankus, “Linear thermal expansion coefficient of gallium garnets Gd3Ga5O12, Gd3.04Sc1.8Ga3.16O12, and Ca3Nb1.5Ga3.5O12”, Thermophys. Aeromech., 30:3 (2023), 589  crossref
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  9. Agazhanov A.Sh., Samoshkin D.A., Kozlovskii Yu.M., Stankus V S., “Thermal Properties of Arv-U Graphite in the Temperature Interval of 293-1673 K”, Therm. Eng., 68:12 (2021), 953–957  crossref  isi  scopus
  10. Abdullaev R.N., Khairulin R.A., Kozlovskii Yu.M., Stankus S.V., “Density and Thermal Expansion of High Purity Cobalt Over the Temperature Range From 140 K to 2073 K”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A-Phys. Metall. Mater. Sci., 52:12 (2021), 5449–5456  crossref  isi  scopus
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  12. A Sh Agazhanov, D A Samoshkin, Yu M Kozlovskii, S V Stankus, “Experimental study of the thermophysical properties for aluminum-magnesium alloy AMg3”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2057:1 (2021), 012101  crossref
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  15. R N Abdullaev, R A Khairulin, S V Stankus, “Volumetric properties of iron in the solid and liquid states”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1675:1 (2020), 012087  crossref
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  17. J. Wei, W. Zhou, S. Li, P. Shen, Sh. Ren, A. Hu, W. Zhou, “Modified embedded atom method potential for modeling the thermodynamic properties of high thermal conductivity beryllium oxide”, ACS Omega, 4:4 (2019), 6339–6346  crossref  isi  scopus
  18. R. N. Abdullaev, R. A. Khairulin, Yu. M. Kozlovskii, A. Sh. Agazhanov, S. V. Stankus, “Density of magnesium and magnesium-lithium alloys in solid and liquid states”, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 29:3 (2019), 507–514  crossref  isi  scopus
  19. D. A. Samoshkin, Yu. M. Kozlovskii, S. V. Stankus, “Experimental study of the titanium nickelide thermophysical properties complex”, XXXV Siberian Thermophysical Seminar, 2019, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 1382, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2019, UNSP 012186  crossref  isi  scopus
  20. Igor Savchenko, Alibek Agazhanov, Dmitrii Samoshkin, D.M. Markovich, P.A. Kuibin, M.A. Vorobyev, “The influence of remanent magnetization on the thermophysical properties of modern magnetically rigid materials”, EPJ Web Conf., 196 (2019), 00052  crossref