I. F. Krasichkov-Ternovskii, “Local description of closed ideals and submodules of analytic functions of one variable. I”, Math. USSR-Izv., 14:1 (1980), 41–60
S. A. Apresyan, “Localization of ideals and asymptotic uniqueness theorems for functions with restrictions on growth”, Math. USSR-Sb., 34:5 (1978), 561–592
V. A. Tkachenko, “On operators commuting with generalized differentiation in spaces of analytic functionals with given indicator of growth”, Math. USSR-Sb., 31:3 (1977), 389–407
Yu. F. Korobeinik, “On a dual problem. II. Applications to $LN^*$-spaces and other questions”, Math. USSR-Sb., 27:1 (1975), 1–22
V. V. Napalkov, “Ob odnom klasse neodnorodnykh uravnenii tipa svertki”, UMN, 29:3(177) (1974), 217–218
I. F. Krasichkov-Ternovskii, “Invariant subspaces of analytic functions. Analytic continuation”, Math. USSR-Izv., 7:4 (1973), 933–947
V. S. Azarin, “On the decomposition of an entire function of finite order into factors having given growth”, Math. USSR-Sb., 19:2 (1973), 225–226
I. F. Krasichkov-Ternovskii, “Invariant subspaces of analytic functions. II. Spectral synthesis of convex domains”, Math. USSR-Sb., 17:1 (1972), 1–29
I. F. Krasichkov-Ternovskii, “Invariant subspaces of analytic functions. III. On the extension of spectral synthesis”, Math. USSR-Sb., 17:3 (1972), 327–348