Boris A. Zakharov, Andrey G. Ogienko, Alexander S. Yunoshev, Alexey I. Ancharov, Elena V. Boldyreva, “Bis(paracetamol) pyridine – a new elusive paracetamol solvate: from modeling the phase diagram to successful single-crystal growth and structure–property relations”, CrystEngComm, 17:39 (2015), 7543
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I. A. Tumanov, A. F. Achkasov, S. A. Myz, E. V. Boldyreva, V. V. Boldyrev, “Different effect of impact and shear mechanical treatment on mechanochemical cocrystallization of piroxicam and succinic acid”, Dokl Chem, 457:2 (2014), 154
Evgeniy A. Losev, Elena V. Boldyreva, “The role of a liquid in “dry” co-grinding: a case study of the effect of water on mechanochemical synthesis in a “l-serine–oxalic acid” system”, CrystEngComm, 16:19 (2014), 3857
Adam A. L. Michalchuk, Ivan A. Tumanov, Valeri A. Drebushchak, Elena V. Boldyreva, “Advances in elucidating mechanochemical complexities via implementation of a simple organic system”, Faraday Discuss., 170 (2014), 311
Hong-Liang Lin, Tieh-Kang Wu, Shan-Yang Lin, “Screening and characterization of cocrystal formation of metaxalone with short-chain dicarboxylic acids induced by solvent-assisted grinding approach”, Thermochimica Acta, 575 (2014), 313
S. G. Arkhipov, E. V. Boldyreva, “An algorithm to identify the existence and reproducibly obtain single crystals of salts and mixed crystals of amino acids suitable for single crystal XRD and Raman spectroscopy experiments”, J Struct Chem, 55:4 (2014), 744
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Adam A. L. Michalchuk, Ivan A. Tumanov, Elena V. Boldyreva, “Complexities of mechanochemistry: elucidation of processes occurring in mechanical activators via implementation of a simple organic system”, CrystEngComm, 15:32 (2013), 6403
Geetha Bolla, Palash Sanphui, Ashwini Nangia, “Solubility Advantage of Tenoxicam Phenolic Cocrystals Compared to Salts”, Crystal Growth & Design, 13:5 (2013), 1988
Katharina Fucke, Svetlana A. Myz, Tatyana P. Shakhtshneider, Elena V. Boldyreva, Ulrich J. Griesser, “How good are the crystallisation methods for co-crystals? A comparative study of piroxicam”, New J. Chem., 36:10 (2012), 1969
S. A. Myz, T. P. Shakhtshneider, N. A. Tumanov, E. V. Boldyreva, “Preparation and studies of the co-crystals of meloxicam with carboxylic acids”, Russ Chem Bull, 61:9 (2012), 1798
Nikolay A. Tumanov, Svetlana A. Myz, Tatyana P. Shakhtshneider, Elena V. Boldyreva, “Are meloxicam dimers really the structure-forming units in the 'meloxicam–carboxylic acid' co-crystals family? Relation between crystal structures and dissolution behaviour”, CrystEngComm, 14:1 (2012), 305
Anna Shevchenko, Luis M. Bimbo, Inna Miroshnyk, Jorma Haarala, Kristýna Jelínková, Kaisa Syrjänen, Bert van Veen, Juha Kiesvaara, Hélder A. Santos, Jouko Yliruusi, “A new cocrystal and salts of itraconazole: Comparison of solid-state properties, stability and dissolution behavior”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 436:1-2 (2012), 403
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Vânia André, Andrew Hardeman, Ivan Halasz, Robin S. Stein, Graham J. Jackson, David G. Reid, Melinda J. Duer, Caroline Curfs, M. Teresa Duarte, Tomislav Friščić, “Mechanosynthesis of the Metallodrug Bismuth Subsalicylate from Bi2O3 and Structure of Bismuth Salicylate without Auxiliary Organic Ligands”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 50:34 (2011), 7858
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Vânia André, Andrew Hardeman, Ivan Halasz, Robin S. Stein, Graham J. Jackson, David G. Reid, Melinda J. Duer, Caroline Curfs, M. Teresa Duarte, Tomislav Friščić, “Mechanosynthesis of the Metallodrug Bismuth Subsalicylate from Bi2O3 and Structure of Bismuth Salicylate without Auxiliary Organic Ligands”, Angewandte Chemie, 123:34 (2011), 8004
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