Mikhail A. Bondarenko, Alexander S. Novikov, Pavel A. Abramov, Maxim N. Sokolov, Sergey A. Adonin, “Crystalline products of bromoantimonate(iii) oxidation by Br2 in the presence of different cations: diversity of structural types and patterns of halogen bond systems”, CrystEngComm, 26:33 (2024), 4518
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Andrey V. Bykov, Tatiana A. Shestimerova, Mikhail A. Bykov, Konstantin A. Lyssenko, Vladislav M. Korshunov, Mikhail T. Metlin, Ilya V. Taydakov, Andrei V. Shevelkov, “Molecular and Supramolecular Structure of a New Luminescent Hybrid Compound: (C5N2H14)2[BiBr6]Br·H2O”, Inorganics, 10:11 (2022), 181
T. A. Shestimerova, M. A. Bykov, A. V. Grigor'eva, Zh. Wei, E. V. Dikarev, A. V. Shevelkov, “Synthesis and characterization of amantadinium iodoacetatobismuthate, a hybrid compound with mixed iodide–carboxylate anions”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:2 (2022), 194–197
Andrey N. Usoltsev, Nikita A. Korobeynikov, Alexander S. Novikov, Vladimir R. Shayapov, Ilya V. Korolkov, Denis G. Samsonenko, Vladimir P. Fedin, Maxim N. Sokolov, Sergey A. Adonin, “One-Dimensional Supramolecular Hybrid Iodobismuthate (1-EtPy)3{[Bi2I9](I2)0.75}: Structural Features and Theoretical Studies of I···I Non-Covalent Interactions”, J Clust Sci, 32:3 (2021), 787
Tatiana A. Shestimerova, Andrei V. Mironov, Mikhail A. Bykov, Elizaveta D. Starichenkova, Alexey N. Kuznetsov, Anastasia V. Grigorieva, Andrei V. Shevelkov, “Reversal Topotactic Removal of Acetone from (HMTH)2BiI5·(CH3)2C═O Accompanied by Rearrangement of Weak Bonds, from 1D to 3D Patterns”, Crystal Growth & Design, 20:1 (2020), 87
Tatiana A. Shestimerova, Andrei V. Mironov, Mikhail A. Bykov, Anastasia V. Grigorieva, Zheng Wei, Evgeny V. Dikarev, Andrei V. Shevelkov, “Assembling Polyiodides and Iodobismuthates Using a Template Effect of a Cyclic Diammonium Cation and Formation of a Low-Gap Hybrid Iodobismuthate with High Thermal Stability”, Molecules, 25:12 (2020), 2765
Vitalii Yu. Kotov, Petr A. Buikin, Nikolay P. Simonenko, Andrey B. Ilyukhin, “Hybrid bromobismuthates: Synthesis, thermal stability and crystal structure of multicharged 3-ammoniopyridinium derivatives”, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1221 (2020), 128807
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Vitalii Yu. Kotov, Elnara S. Safiullina, Andrey B. Ilyukhin, Petr A. Buikin, Kirill P. Birin, Khursand E. Yorov, “Hybrid halobismuthates: The unusual {[BiBr6]…[BiBr5]…[BiBr6]}8- anionic framework”, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1195 (2019), 944
Sergey A. Adonin, Igor D. Gorokh, Alexander S. Novikov, Andrey N. Usoltsev, Maxim N. Sokolov, Vladimir P. Fedin, “Tetranuclear anionic bromobismuthate [Bi4Br18]6-: New structural type in halometalate collection”, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 103 (2019), 72
Vitalii Yu. Kotov, Andrey B. Ilyukhin, Petr A. Buikin, Nikolay P. Simonenko, Alexander A. Korlyukov, Alexander F. Smol'yakov, Khursand E. Yorov, Andrey V. Gavrikov, “Unexpected hydrolytic transformation of new type hybrid bromobismuthates with methylpyrazinium dications”, Dalton Trans., 48:22 (2019), 7602
S. A. Adonin, M. A. Bondarenko, P. A. Abramov, I. V. Korolkov, P. E. Plyusnin, M. N. Sokolov, V. P. Fedin, “Mononuclear Sb(V) Bromide Complexes with 3-Halopyridinium Cations: Synthesis, Structures, and Thermal Stability”, Russ J Coord Chem, 45:2 (2019), 128
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Tatiana A. Shestimerova, Nikita A. Golubev, Natallia A. Yelavik, Mikhail A. Bykov, Anastasia V. Grigorieva, Zheng Wei, Evgeny V. Dikarev, Andrei V. Shevelkov, “Role of I2 Molecules and Weak Interactions in Supramolecular Assembling of Pseudo-Three-Dimensional Hybrid Bismuth Polyiodides: Synthesis, Structure, and Optical Properties of Phenylenediammonium Polyiodobismuthate(III)”, Crystal Growth & Design, 18:4 (2018), 2572
Vitalii Yu. Kotov, Andrey B. Ilyukhin, Alaxander E. Baranchikov, Rashida I. Ishmetova, Gennady L. Rusinov, Sergey A. Kozyukhin, “Synthesis, crystal structure and optical properties of 1,1'-(1,n-alkanediyl)bis(3-methylimidazolium) halobismuthates”, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1151 (2018), 186
Vitalii Yu. Kotov, Andrey B. Ilyukhin, Alexander A. Korlyukov, Alexander F. Smol'yakov, Sergey A. Kozyukhin, “Black hybrid iodobismuthate containing linear anionic chains”, New J. Chem., 42:8 (2018), 6354