1. Sherif Elbasuney, M. Gaber Zaky, Mostafa Radwan c, Mohamed Bennaya, Sherif M. Abdelkhalek, “The Potentials of Aluminium Nanoparticles: Novel High Energy Density Material for Underwater Explosions”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 975:1 (2020), 012008  crossref
  2. M. Anniyappan, K. Vijay Varma, R.S. Amit, J.K Nair, “1-methyl-2,4,5-trinitroimidazole (MTNI), a melt-cast explosive: synthesis and studies on thermal behavior in presence of explosive ingredients”, Journal of Energetic Materials, 38:1 (2020), 111  crossref
  3. Jinghua Wang, Meng Cai, Fengqi Zhao, Kangzhen Xu, “A Review on the Reactivity of 1-Amino-2-Nitroguanidine (ANQ)”, Molecules, 24:19 (2019), 3616  crossref
  4. Sherif Elbasuney, Ahmed Fahd, “Combustion wave of metalized extruded double-base propellants”, Fuel, 237 (2019), 1274  crossref
  5. Sherif Elbasuney, M. Gaber Zaky, Mostafa Radwan, Rakesh P. Sahu, Ishwar K. Puri, “Synthesis of CuO Nanocrystals Supported on Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes for Nanothermite Applications”, J Inorg Organomet Polym, 29:4 (2019), 1407  crossref
  6. Zhicun Feng, Yu Zhang, Jing Li, Yanan Li, Fengqi Zhao, Kangzhen Xu, “Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution via Chlorinated Nitrated Benzene Derivatives: Four Energetic Ring‐substituted Furazans”, Propellants Explo Pyrotec, 44:7 (2019), 821  crossref
  7. Jianchao Liu, Hao Qiu, Jimin Han, Li Yang, “Synthesis of Energetic Complexes [Co(en)(H2BTI)2]2 ⋅ en, [Cu2(en)2(HBTI)2]2 and Catalytic Study on Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate”, Propellants Explo Pyrotec, 44:7 (2019), 816  crossref
  8. Zhiyin Wang, Tian-Lei Zhang, Ming-Jing Li, Qiong Xu, Rui Wang, Soumendra Roy, Xiaohu Yu, Lingxia Jin, “Computational study of the decomposition mechanisms of ammonium dinitramide in the gas phase”, Molecular Physics, 116:13 (2018), 1756  crossref
  9. Sherif Elbasuney, Amir Elsaidy, Mohamed Kassem, Hesham Tantawy, Ramy Sadek, Ahmed Fahd, Mohamed Gobara, “Super-Thermite (Al/Fe2O3) Fluorocarbon Nanocomposite with Stimulated Infrared Thermal Signature via Extended Primary Combustion Zones for Effective Countermeasures of Infrared Seekers”, J Inorg Organomet Polym, 28:6 (2018), 2231  crossref
  10. Sherif Elbasuney, “Novel Colloidal Nanothermite Particles (MnO2/Al) for Advanced Highly Energetic Systems”, J Inorg Organomet Polym, 28:5 (2018), 1793  crossref
  11. Pallavi Gajjar, Vinayak Malhotra, 2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2018, 1  crossref
  12. Pratim Kumar, “An overview on properties, thermal decomposition, and combustion behavior of ADN and ADN based solid propellants”, Defence Technology, 14:6 (2018), 661  crossref
  13. Ke Wang, Xiao-long Fu, Qiu-fan Tang, Huan Li, Yuan-jie Shu, Jun-qiang Li, Wei-piang Pang, “Theoretical investigations on novel energetic salts composed of 4-nitro-7-(4-nitro-1,2,3-triazol-1-olate)-furazano[3,4-d]pyridazine-based anions and ammonium-based cations”, Computational Materials Science, 146 (2018), 230  crossref
  14. Sherif Elbasuney, Amir Elsaidy, Mohamed Kassem, Hesham Tantawy, “Infrared Signature of Novel Super-Thermite (Fe2O3/Mg) Fluorocarbon Nanocomposite for Effective Countermeasures of Infrared Seekers”, J Inorg Organomet Polym, 28:5 (2018), 1718  crossref
  15. Kaifu Bian, Leanne Alarid, David Rosenberg, Hongyou Fan, “Exploration of Processing Parameters of Vacuum Assisted Micelle Confinement Synthesis of Spherical CL-20 Microparticles”, MRS Advances, 3:11 (2018), 553  crossref
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  17. Kaifu Bian, Leanne Alarid, David Rosenberg, Hongyou Fan, “Surfactant Assisted Self-assembly and Synthesis of Highly Uniform Spherical CL-20 Microparticles”, MRS Advances, 3:41 (2018), 2421  crossref
  18. Wei Qiang Pang, Luigi T. DeLuca, Hui Xiang Xu, Xue Zhong Fan, Feng Qi Zhao, Wu Xi Xie, Springer Aerospace Technology, Chemical Rocket Propulsion, 2017, 403  crossref
  19. Nianming Jiao, Yanqiang Zhang, Long Liu, Jean'ne M. Shreeve, Suojiang Zhang, “Hypergolic fuels based on water-stable borohydride cluster anions with ultralow ignition delay times”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 5:26 (2017), 13341  crossref
  20. Ke Wang, Yuanjie Shu, Ning Liu, Weipeng Lai, Tao Yu, Xiaoyong Ding, Zongkai Wu, “Theoretical studies on structure and performance of [1,2,5]‐oxadiazolo‐[3,4‐d]‐pyridazine‐based derivatives”, J of Physical Organic Chem, 30:1 (2017)  crossref