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  2. Artem A. Lopatin, “On the nilpotency degree of the algebra with identity xn=0”, Journal of Algebra, 371 (2012), 350  crossref
  3. A.A. Lopatin, “Free relations for matrix invariants in the modular case”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 216:2 (2012), 427  crossref
  4. A. A. Lopatin, “Relations Between O(n)-Invariants of Several Matrices”, Algebr Represent Theor, 15:5 (2012), 855  crossref
  5. Alexey Kanel-Belov, Sergey Malev, Louis Rowen, “The images of non-commutative polynomials evaluated on 2×2 matrices”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 140:2 (2011), 465  crossref
  6. A.A. Lopatin, “Orthogonal invariants of skew-symmetric matrices”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 59:8 (2011), 851  crossref
  7. A.A. Lopatin, “On minimal generating systems for matrixO(3)-invariants”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 59:1 (2011), 87  crossref
  8. A. Ya. Belov, “The local finite basis property and local representability of varieties of associative rings”, Izv. Math., 74:1 (2010), 1–126  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib
  9. Eli Aljadeff, Alexei Kanel-Belov, “Representability and Specht problem for G-graded algebras”, Advances in Mathematics, 225:5 (2010), 2391  crossref
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  12. Francesco Vaccarino, “Homogeneous multiplicative polynomial laws are determinants”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 213:7 (2009), 1283  crossref
  13. A.A. Lopatin, “Invariants of quivers under the action of classical groups”, Journal of Algebra, 321:4 (2009), 1079  crossref
  14. L. M. Samoilov, “Radical of a relatively free associative algebra over fields of positive characteristic”, Sb. Math., 199:5 (2008), 707–753  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib
  15. Francesco Vaccarino, “Generalized symmetric functions and invariants of matrices”, Math. Z., 260:3 (2008), 509  crossref
  16. A.A. Lopatin, “On block partial linearizations of the pfaffian”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 426:1 (2007), 109  crossref
  17. A. Ya. Belov, “On Rings Asymptotically Close to Associative Rings”, Siberian Adv. Math., 17:4 (2007), 227–267  mathnet  mathnet  crossref
  18. Alexander Kemer, Ilya Averyanov, “Conjecture of Procesi for 2-generated algebra of generic 3×3 matrices”, Journal of Algebra, 299:1 (2006), 151  crossref
  19. A. A. Lopatin, “Relatively Free Algebras with the Identityx3 = 0#”, Communications in Algebra, 33:10 (2005), 3583  crossref
  20. A. A. Lopatin, “The ring of invariants of three $(3\times3)$-matrices over a field of prime characteristic”, Siberian Math. J., 45:3 (2004), 513–521  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi