University Louis Pasteur, France
Адрес: France, 67070, Strasbourg, 4 rue Blaise Pascal
Телефон: +33 3 90 24 50 00
Персоналий: 20
Авторов: 19
Публикаций: 23

Персоналии: A B C G J L S Б И М Т Ф Х Ш Э
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University Louis Pasteur, FranceULP, with over 18.000 students, is distinctive for its scientific contributions which place it among the top-ranking French and European universities. This unique feature is reinforced by a strong and well-established collaboration with the CNRS and INSERM, and now with the INRA, and the interdisciplinary nature of its research. ULP progresses by exploring, for example, new scientific fields through the interfacing of biology and chemistry with physics, medicine and computer science. To exploit the results of its research, ULP provides support for project leaders, researchers or students wishing to start business ventures. This type of technological transfer is encouraged by an incubator set up with the help of the regional authorities.

The development of continuing education, particularly in the health sectors, is another important way of transferring the knowledge acquired in the university to society.

Through all its activities, our university forges links with the outside world; our partnerships with Strasbourg's other two universities will make it possible to reinforce these links still further in the future. Bringing together the strengths of these three universities is essential for the internationalization of courses, another major project at ULP. We hope to ensure that students will benefit, at the earliest possible moment, from the international contacts fostered by research.

Thanks to all its activities, ULP is a key player in the economic and social development of the city of Strasbourg, the department of the Bas-Rhin and the region of Alsace. We also aim to play a leading role in public debate on developments and issues in science, another way of building up the links between the university and the community.

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