The following problem is discussed: what are unitary n×n matrices U that map the linear space of (T+H)-matrices into itself by similarity transformations? Analogous problems for the spaces of Toeplitz and Hankel matrices were solved recently. For (T+H)-matrices, the problem of describing appropriate matrices U appears to be considerably more complex and is still open. The result proved in this paper may contribute to the complete solution of this problem. Namely, every such matrix U is either centrosymmetric or skew-centrosymmetric; moreover, only the first variant is possible for odd n.
A. K. Abdikalykov, “Centrosymmetric property of unitary matrices that preserve the set of (T+H)-matrices under similarity transformations”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 55:5 (2015), 739–741; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 55:5 (2015), 731–733
\by A.~K.~Abdikalykov
\paper Centrosymmetric property of unitary matrices that preserve the set of $(T+H)$-matrices under similarity transformations
\jour Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.
\yr 2015
\vol 55
\issue 5
\pages 739--741
\jour Comput. Math. Math. Phys.
\yr 2015
\vol 55
\issue 5
\pages 731--733
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This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
A. K. Abdikalykov, V. N. Chugunov, Kh. D. Ikramov, “Unitary automorphisms of the space of (T+H)-matrices of order four”, MoscowUniv.Comput.Math.Cybern., 39:4 (2015), 153
A.K. Abdikalykov, V.N. Chugunov, Kh.D. Ikramov, “Unitary automorphisms of the space of Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices”, Special Matrices, 3:1 (2015)
A. K. Abdikalykov, “Unitary automorphisms of the space of (T+H)-matrices”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 207:5 (2015), 669–673