Mechanics of Solids
Variant of multimodal vibration damping of electroviscoelastic structures
by appropriate choice of external electric circuit parameters
D. A. Oshmarin, N. V. Sevodina, M. A. Yurlov, N. A. Yurlova Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Ural Branch of RAS,
Perm, 614013, Russian Federation
(published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License)
In technical applications it takes place the problem of vibration damping in certain regions of the structure, at the location of optical sensors for instance, at any external dynamic excitations with no mass increase and no changes in spectral portrait. In order to solve these problems it is widespread the use of special damping devices: piezoelectric elements connected to external electric circuits and attached to the structure. It became possible due to piezoelectric effect, which provides transformation of part of energy of vibrations into electric one, which is dissipated in external electric circuit. So that by using appropriate electric circuits one may dissipate internal energy and therefore reduce structural vibrations in definite frequency range. As a rule, external circuit of single branch, which shunts single piezoelectric element, allows vibration damping on one certain frequency. Due to the fact, that practical applications usually include requirements of damping of several modes by one and the same technical devices, the problem of multimodal vibration damping in smart-structures is rather acute. The objective of this paper is the study of possibility of vibration damping on several modes by using single external series $RL$-circuit, connected to electrodes of single piezoelectric element on the basis of solution of problems on natural and forced steady-state vibrations of electroelastic systems with external electric circuits.
electroviscoelastic structures with piezoelectric elements, passive external electric circuits, multimodal damping, natural vibrations, forced vibrations.
Original article submitted 13/VII/2016 revision submitted – 14/VIII/2016
D. A. Oshmarin, N. V. Sevodina, M. A. Yurlov, N. A. Yurlova, “Variant of multimodal vibration damping of electroviscoelastic structures
by appropriate choice of external electric circuit parameters”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 20:3 (2016), 475–495
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