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Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh.:

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Vladikavkazskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal, 2019, Volume 21, Number 3, Pages 24–30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23671/VNC.2019.3.36458
(Mi vmj697)

This article is cited in 2 scientific papers (total in 2 papers)

Decomposition of elementary transvection in elementary net group

S. Yu. Itarovaa, V. A. Koibaevab

a North-Ossetian State University, 46 Vatutin St., Vladikavkaz 362025, Russia
b Southern Mathematical Institute VSC RAS, 22 Marcus St., Vladikavkaz 362027, Russia
Full-text PDF (233 kB) Citations (2)
Abstract: The paper deals with the study of elementary nets (carpets) $\sigma = (\sigma_{ij})$ and elementary net groups $E(\sigma)$. Namely, decomposition of an elementary transvection in elementary net group $E(\sigma)$ is given. The colections of subsets (ideals, additive subgroups and etc.) $ \sigma=\{\sigma_{ij}:\, 1\leq i, j\leq n\}$ of an associative ring with the conditions $\sigma_{ir}\sigma_{rj}\subseteq\sigma_{ij}$, $1\leq i,r,j\leq n,$ arose in a different situations. Such collections are called carpets or nets and a rings, while the associated groups are called carpet (net, congruence, etc.) subgroups. An elementary net (a net without diagonal) $\sigma$ is closed (admissible) if the subgroup $E(\sigma)$ does not contain new elementary transvections. The study was motivated by the question of V. M. Levchuk (The Kourovka notebook, question 15.46) whether or not a necessary and sufficient condition for the admissibility (closure) of the elementary net $\sigma$ is the admissibility (closure) of all pairs $(\sigma_{ij}, \sigma_{ji})$. In other words, the inclusion of an elementary transvection $t_{ij}(\alpha)$ in the elementary group $E(\sigma)$ is equivalent to the inclusion of $t_{ij}(\alpha)$ in the subgroup $\langle t_{ij}(\sigma_{ij}), t_{ji}(\sigma_{ji}) \rangle$ (for any $i\neq j$). Thus, the decomposition of elementary transvection $t_{ij}(\alpha)$ in the elementary net group $E(\sigma)$ becomes relevant. We consider an elementary net $\sigma=(\sigma_{ij})$ (elementary carpet) of the additive subgroups of a commutative ring of order $n$, a derived net $\omega=(\omega_{ij})$ depending on the net $\sigma$, the net $\Omega=(\Omega_{ij})$ associated with the elementary group $E(\sigma)$, where $\omega\subseteq\sigma\subseteq\Omega$ and the net $\Omega$ is the least (complemented) net among all the nets which contain the elementary net $\sigma$. Let $R$ be a commutative unital ring and $n\in\Bbb{N}$, $n\geq 2$. A set $ \sigma = (\sigma_{ij})$, $1\leq{i, j} \leq{n},$ of additive subgroups $\sigma_{ij}$ of the ring $R$ is said to be a net or a carpet over the ring $R$ of order $n$ if $\sigma_{ir} \sigma_{rj} \subseteq{\sigma_{ij}}$ for all $i$, $r$, $j$. A net without diagonal is said to be elementary net or elementary carpet. We prove that every elementary transvection $t_{ij}(\alpha)\in E(\sigma)$ can be decomposed $t_{ij}(\alpha)=ah$ into a product of two matrices $a$ and $h$, where $a$ is a member of the group $\langle t_{ij}(\sigma_{ij}),t_{ji}(\sigma_{ji})\rangle$, $h$ is a member of the net group $G(\tau)$, where $\tau =\begin{pmatrix} \tau_{ii} & \omega_{ij} \omega_{ji} & \tau_{jj} \end{pmatrix}$, $\omega_{ii}\subseteq \tau_{ii} \subseteq \Omega_{ii}$. Important characteristics of matrices $a$ and $h$ involved in the decomposition of elementary transvection $t_{ij}(\alpha)$ were also obtained in the paper.
Key words: nets, carpets, elementary net, net group, closed net, derivative net, elementary net group, transvections.
Received: 26.03.2019
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
UDC: 512.5
MSC: 20G15
Language: Russian
Citation: S. Yu. Itarova, V. A. Koibaev, “Decomposition of elementary transvection in elementary net group”, Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 21:3 (2019), 24–30
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by S.~Yu.~Itarova, V.~A.~Koibaev
\paper Decomposition of elementary transvection in elementary net group
\jour Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh.
\yr 2019
\vol 21
\issue 3
\pages 24--30
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