Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, series Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2016, Issue 2, Pages 28–34
(Mi uzeru155)
Moore–Penrose inverse of bidiagonal matrices. IV
Yu. R. Hakopiana, S. S. Aleksanyanb a Chair of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modeling YSU, Armenia
b Chair of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling RAU, Armenia
The present work completes a research started in the papers $[1-3]$. Based on the results obtained in the previous papers, here we give a definitive solution to the problem of the Moore–Penrose inversion of singular upper bidiagonal matrices.
generalized inverse, Moore–Penrose inverse, bidiagonal matrix.
Received: 15.04.2016 Accepted: 25.05.2016
Yu. R. Hakopian, S. S. Aleksanyan, “Moore–Penrose inverse of bidiagonal matrices. IV”, Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2016, no. 2, 28–34
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