This review is devoted to ultra-low-frequency electromagnetic waves of a natural origin. A variety of frequency-modulated waves whose sources are located in the ionosphere, in the radiation belt, on the periphery of the magnetosphere, and in the solar wind in front of the magnetosphere bow shock are considered. The main focus is on the mechanisms of the formation of frequency modulation. Analysis of frequency modulation gives us information about the processes of excitation and propagation of waves, as well as about physical conditions in places of excitation and along signal propagation paths. Relevant open question about the physics of frequency-modulated waves are indicated.
The research was carried out under the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant nos 19-15-50043 and 19-05-00574), the Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Federation (project RF KP19-270, program no. 0144-2014-00116 and subsidy no. 075-GZ/Ts3569/278), and Program No. 12 of the Presidium of the RAS.
Received:March 29, 2020 Revised:June 9, 2020 Accepted: June 10, 2020
A. V. Guglielmi, A. S. Potapov, “Frequency-modulated ultra-low-frequency waves in near-Earth space”, UFN, 191:5 (2021), 475–491; Phys. Usp., 64:5 (2021), 452–467
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