The model of the Kerr–Newman (KN) electron generated by the superrotating gravitational field of a black hole is modified to a radiating black–white hole that both absorbs and emits electromagnetic waves. Following quantum electrodynamics (QED), we consider the KN solution to be either a bare electron model or a dressed electron model, where the bare electron forms a classical massless relativistic string responsible for the wave properties of the electron as a quantum particle, while the dressed electron forms a heavy electron–positron vacuum core dressed by the KN gravitational field due to the formation of electron and positron Wilson loops. Within the framework of the Kerr–Schild formalism, a class of radiating KN solutions is considered, whereby the electromagnetic field is absorbed by the black hole and at the same time radiated away by its white side.
Received:December 5, 2023 Revised:April 23, 2024 Accepted: May 22, 2024