This publication is cited in the following 16 articles:
Donald K. Hsu, Wm. Hayden Smith, “A Review of Spectroscopic Information in the Visible and Ultraviolet Region for Diatomic Molecules of Astrophysical Interest”, Spectroscopy Letters, 10:4 (1977), 181
Academician D. V. Skobel'tsyn, Physical Processes in Lasers, 1973, 167
A.J.D. Farmer, V. Hasson, R.W. Nicholls, “Absolute oscillator strength measurements of the (υ′ = 0, υ′ = 0–3) bands of the (A2Σ-X2Π) γ-system of nitric oxide”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 12:4 (1972), 627
V. I. Pugnin, I. M. Sel'dimirov, A. N. Tekuchev, “Investigation of the excitation of nitrogen molecules in the positive column of a discharge in a mixture of CO2 and N2”, Soviet Physics Journal, 15:10 (1972), 1425
K. Hornung, K. W. Michel, “Equation-of-State Data of Solids from Shock Vaporization”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 56:5 (1972), 2072
Edmund J. Gion, Modern Optical Methods in Gas Dynamic Research, 1971, 61
J.C. Browne, Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, 7, Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics Volume 7, 1971, 47
F. MASIENHALDER, E. UNGERER, G. KRULLE, “Some Experiments on the “Spoke” Phenomenon in MPD Operation”, AIAA Journal, 7:2 (1969), 348
J. H. SPURK, E. J. GION, “Impurity concentration in the expansion tube.”, AIAA Journal, 7:2 (1969), 346
E. GION, 3rd Aerodynamics Testing Conference, 1968
H. HOSHIZAKI, L. LASHER, 2nd Thermophysics Specialist Conference, 1967
Roger P. Main, Ernest Bauer, “Equilibrium opacities and emissivities of hydrocarbon-air mixtures at high temperatures”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 7:4 (1967), 527
S.A. Golden, “Approximate spectral absorption coefficients of electronic transitions in diatomic molecules”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 7:1 (1967), 225
Roger P. Main, Ernest Bauer, “Opacities of carbon-air mixtures at temperatures from 3000–10,000°K”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 6:1 (1966), 1
A.A. Kon'kov, V.P. Ionov, “Study of radiation spectrum of gases heated by strong shock waves”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6:3 (1963), 211
S. J. Strickler, Robert A. Berg, “Relationship between Absorption Intensity and Fluorescence Lifetime of Molecules”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 37:4 (1962), 814