Report at session of the Scientific Council, Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., held February 12, 1962, in memory of G. S. Landsberg.
I. L. Fabelinskiǐ, “Some results of the experimental study of the fine structure of rayleigh scattering lines in liquids of various viscosities”, UFN, 77:4 (1962), 649–662; Phys. Usp., 5:4 (1962), 667–674
\by I.~L.~Fabelinski{\v\i}
\paper Some results of the experimental study of the fine structure of rayleigh scattering lines in liquids of various viscosities
\jour UFN
\yr 1962
\vol 77
\issue 4
\pages 649--662
\jour Phys. Usp.
\yr 1962
\vol 5
\issue 4
\pages 667--674
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