Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur
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Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, 2022, Volume 60, Issue 4, Pages 488–495
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S0040364422040160
(Mi tvt11689)

This article is cited in 1 scientific paper (total in 1 paper)

Plasma Investigations

Spatiotemporal dynamics of a low-pressure arc and a generated beam in an electron source with a grid plasma emitter

M. S. Vorob'eva, P. V. Moskvina, V. I. Shina, T. V. Kovalb, V. N. Devyatkova, N. N. Koval'a, K. T. Ashurovaa, S. Yu. Doroshkevicha, M. S. Torbaa, V. A. Levanisova

a Institute of High Current Electronics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk
b Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract: The article presents results of studying the dynamics of a submillisecond low-pressure arc discharge in an electron source with a grid plasma emitter and a plasma anode, as well as the formation of an electron beam generated by it in a guiding magnetic field. Measurements of the currents to the electrodes of the plasma emitter discharge system and to additional probes installed in it demonstrated the spatial rearrangement of the discharge with subsequent achievement of a quasi-steady shape of the current density distribution on the emission electrode. Analysis of the current oscillograms at the end of the discharge current pulse made it possible to estimate the contribution of the electron emission current from the plasma emitter to the total current in the accelerating gap in the mode when the measured beam current is equal to or exceeds the discharge current. The factors responsible for reducing the spatial inhomogeneity of the beam current density are determined, and recommendations are given for improving its uniformity.
Funding agency Grant number
Russian Science Foundation 20-79-10015
The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 20-79-10015).
Received: 25.11.2021
Revised: 25.11.2021
Accepted: 15.02.2022
English version:
High Temperature, 2022, Volume 60, Issue 4, Pages 438–445
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0018151X22040162
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
UDC: 537.525.5, 537.533.2, 537.533.9
Language: Russian
Citation: M. S. Vorob'ev, P. V. Moskvin, V. I. Shin, T. V. Koval, V. N. Devyatkov, N. N. Koval', K. T. Ashurova, S. Yu. Doroshkevich, M. S. Torba, V. A. Levanisov, “Spatiotemporal dynamics of a low-pressure arc and a generated beam in an electron source with a grid plasma emitter”, TVT, 60:4 (2022), 488–495; High Temperature, 60:4 (2022), 438–445
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by M. S. Vorob'ev, P. V. Moskvin, V. I. Shin, T.~V.~Koval, V. N. Devyatkov, N.~N.~Koval', K.~T. Ashurova, S. Yu. Doroshkevich, M. S. Torba, V. A. Levanisov
\paper Spatiotemporal dynamics of a~low-pressure arc and a~generated beam in an electron source with a~grid plasma emitter
\jour TVT
\yr 2022
\vol 60
\issue 4
\pages 488--495
\jour High Temperature
\yr 2022
\vol 60
\issue 4
\pages 438--445
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  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/tvt11689
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