The method of interference microscopy is used to study the features of iron ablation under single exposure to laser pulses with a duration of 60 fs of moderate intensity 1012–1013 W/cm2. The value of the reflection coefficient is measured and the value of the threshold of thermomechanical ablation is determined from the absorbed energy density. The evolution of the crater bottom morphology and the dependence of their depth on the energy density of laser pulses are studied.
The study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (state assignment no. 075-00892-20-00). The experiments were performed on the equipment of the Center for Collective Use, Laser Femtosecond Complex, Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences.
E. V. Struleva, P. S. Komarov, S. A. Romashevskii, S. A. Evlashin, S. I. Ashitkov, “Femtosecond laser ablation of iron”, TVT, 59:5 (2021), 663–667; High Temperature, 60:1, Suppl. 2 (2022), S159–S163