The method of direct statistical simulation is used to investigate the effect of the flow-to-wall temperature ratio T on the strong subsonic condensation of monatomic gas. It is demonstrated that the dependence of relative pressure at the boundary of the Knudsen layer on relative temperature at a fixed value of the Mach number M has a minimum. In so doing, the marked supercooling of condensing gas (T<1) causes an abrupt increase in relative pressure. At the same time, for a «moderately cold» wall (1.5<T<10), the dependence of relative pressure on relative temperature at a fixed value of M is very weak. It is demonstrated that, in the case of supersonic condensation, the dependence of minimal possible relative pressure on T at a fixed value of M likewise has a minimum. The calculation results agree well with the results of calculations by the method of moments using the suggested approximation of the molecule distribution function.
A. A. Abramov, A. V. Butkovskay, “The effect of the flow-to-wall temperature ratio on strong condensation of gas”, TVT, 46:2 (2008), 257–261; High Temperature, 46:2 (2008), 229–233
\by A.~A.~Abramov, A.~V.~Butkovskay
\paper The effect of the flow-to-wall temperature ratio on strong condensation of gas
\jour TVT
\yr 2008
\vol 46
\issue 2
\pages 257--261
\jour High Temperature
\yr 2008
\vol 46
\issue 2
\pages 229--233
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