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This publication is cited in the following 38 articles:
Michele Leonardo Bianchi, Gian Luca Tassinari, “Estimation for multivariate normal rapidly decreasing tempered stable distributions”, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 94:1 (2024), 103
Till Massing, “Simulating continuous-time autoregressive moving average processes driven by
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Michael Grabchak, Piergiacomo Sabino, “Efficient simulation of p-tempered α-stable OU processes”, Stat Comput, 33:1 (2023)
Till Massing, Cedric Maximilian Juessen, “CRAN: Contributed Packages”, 2023
Xia Yu., Grabchak M., “Estimation and Simulation For Multivariate Tempered Stable Distributions”, J. Stat. Comput. Simul., 92:3 (2022), 451–475
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Grabchak M., “An Exact Method For Simulating Rapidly Decreasing Tempered Stable Distributions in the Finite Variation Case”, Stat. Probab. Lett., 170 (2021), 109015
Grabchak M., “On the Transition Laws of P-Tempered Alpha-Stable Ou-Processes”, Comput. Stat., 36:2 (2021), 1415–1436
Yuan S., Kawai R., “Numerical Aspects of Shot Noise Representation of Infinitely Divisible Laws and Related Processes”, Probab. Surv., 18 (2021), 201–271
Kim Y.Sh., “Sample Path Generation of the Stochastic Volatility Cgmy Process and Its Application to Path-Dependent Option Pricing”, J. Risk Financ. Manag., 14:2 (2021), 77
Zhu F., Bianchi M.L., Kim Y.Sh., Fabozzi F.J., Wu H., “Learning For Infinitely Divisible Garch Models in Option Pricing”, Stud. Nonlinear Dyn. Econom., 25:3 (2021), 35–62
Grabchak M., “On the Simulation of General Tempered Stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes”, J. Stat. Comput. Simul., 90:6 (2020), 1057–1081
Arefi A., Pourtaheri R., “Multi-Modal Tempered Stable Distributions and Prosses With Applications to Finance”, Commun. Stat.-Theory Methods, 49:17 (2020), 4133–4149