This paper considers a Bellman–Harris branching process whose probability generating function f(s) of the number of direct descendants of particles satisfies the relation f(s)=s+(1−s)1+αL(1−s), 0<α⩽1. Let τ be the moment of extinction of the process and let νΔ be the total number of particles the number of direct descendants of each of which belongs to the set Δ,Δ⊂{0,1,…,n,…}. The paper gives conditions under which, for any x∈(−∞,+∞) and some scaling constants b(N), a nondegenerate limit, limN→∞P{τb(N)⩽x∣νΔ=N}, exists.
Bellman–Harris branching process, a rooted random tree, the weight and height of a tree, limiting distributions, final particles.
V. A. Vatutin, “Branching processes with final types of particles and random trees”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 39:4 (1994), 699–715; Theory Probab. Appl., 39:4 (1994), 628–641