Exponential bounds are given for the probabilities of large deviations of sums of Banach-space-valued random variables satisfying (1). The theorem is preceded by a short summary of the previous work in the field.
V. V. Yurinskii, “Exponential bounds for large deviations”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 19:1 (1974), 152–154; Theory Probab. Appl., 19:1 (1974), 154–155
\by V.~V.~Yurinskii
\paper Exponential bounds for large deviations
\jour Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen.
\yr 1974
\vol 19
\issue 1
\pages 152--154
\jour Theory Probab. Appl.
\yr 1974
\vol 19
\issue 1
\pages 154--155
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