Trudy SPIIRAN, 2009, Issue 9, Pages 168–177
(Mi trspy22)
Syntactic and Semantic Particularities of Metasystems
M. Yu. Kolodin St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS
Metaapproach allows to study information systems, including programming languages and systems, as well as data in different formats, as multilevel developed systems and to construct corresponding converters for them. The paper studies traditional and special programming languages and data representation languages viewed by metaapproach, where languages are divided to classes with internal and external metafunctionality. Examples of code and conversions between languages are shown, some conversion problems and ways of their solving are noted, estimations of efficiency of application of different languages are given, and conclusions on usefulness of discussed languages and of the entire approach for solving typical problems and information presentation are stated.
systems, metasystems, conversions, metaprograms, metadata, programming languages, data representation.
Received: 24.06.2009
M. Yu. Kolodin, “Syntactic and Semantic Particularities of Metasystems”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 9 (2009), 168–177
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