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Informatics and Automation, 2022, Issue 21, volume 3, Pages 493–520
(Mi trspy1198)

This article is cited in 1 scientific paper (total in 1 paper)

Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge and Data Engineering

Application of a compartmental spiking neuron model with structural adaptation for solving classification problems

A. Korsakova, L. Astapovab, A. Bakhshievb

a Russian state scientific center for robotics and technical cybernetics (RTC)
b Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)
Abstract: The problem of classification using a compartmental spiking neuron model is considered. The state of the art of spiking neural networks analysis is carried out. It is concluded that there are very few works on the study of compartmental neuron models. The choice of a compartmental spiking model is justified as a neuron model for this work. A brief description of such a model is given, and its main features are noted in terms of the possibility of its structural reconfiguration. The method of structural adaptation of the model to the input spike pattern is described. The general scheme of the compartmental spiking neurons’ organization into a network for solving the classification problem is given. The time-to-first-spike method is chosen for encoding numerical information into spike patterns, and a formula is given for calculating the delays of individual signals in the spike pattern when encoding information. Brief results of experiments on solving the classification problem on publicly available data sets (Iris, MNIST) are presented. The conclusion is made about the comparability of the obtained results with the existing classical methods. In addition, a detailed step-by-step description of experiments to determine the state of an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle is provided. Estimates of computational costs for solving the classification problem using a compartmental spiking neuron model are given. The conclusion is made about the prospects of using spiking compartmental models of a neuron to increase the bio-plausibility of the implementation of behavioral functions in neuromorphic control systems. Further promising directions for the development of neuromorphic systems based on the compartmental spiking neuron model are considered.
Keywords: neuromorphic systems, spiking neuron, spiking neural networks, classification task, autonomous underwater vehicle.
Funding agency Grant number
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation 075-01623-22-00
This work was done as a part of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 075-01623-22-00 «Research and development of a biosimilar system for controlling the behavior of mobile robots based on energy-efficient software and hardware neuromorphic tools».
Received: 01.03.2022
Document Type: Article
UDC: 004.81
Language: Russian
Citation: A. Korsakov, L. Astapova, A. Bakhshiev, “Application of a compartmental spiking neuron model with structural adaptation for solving classification problems”, Informatics and Automation, 21:3 (2022), 493–520
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by A.~Korsakov, L.~Astapova, A.~Bakhshiev
\paper Application of a compartmental spiking neuron model with structural adaptation for solving classification problems
\jour Informatics and Automation
\yr 2022
\vol 21
\issue 3
\pages 493--520
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