Using a manifestly geometric language of Cartan forms, we expose continuous
dual symmetry of general d=2d=2 models of chiral field with anomaly (ACF) (also called
the d=2d=2 sigma-models with multivalued action) and find the corresponding duality
transformations. Both ordinary and supersymmetric ACF are treated. Like in the case
of the standard chiral field, duality transformations of ACF prove to be related intimately
to its integrability. We introduce also the notions of dual algebra and dual sigma-model
and demonstrate their important role for understanding the classical and quantum
structure of ACF. It is shown, in particular, that the transition to infrared fixed
points of ACF models can be described in a pure algebraic way as a contraction of the
dual algebra, as a result of which the coset space of the dual sigma-model becomes
flat. Finally, we analyze, in an analogous context, the classical equations of the anomalous
version of CP1CP1-model. These are found to yield a trivial dynamics.
E. A. Ivanov, “Duality in d=2d=2σσ models of chiral field with anomaly”, TMF, 71:2 (1987), 193–207; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 71:2 (1987), 474–484