The projective unitary group $PU(n)$ is the quotient of the unitary group $U(n)$ by its center $S^{1}=\{e^{i\theta }I_{n};\theta \in \lbrack 0,2\pi ]\}$, where $I_{n}$ is the identity matrix. Combining the Serre spectral sequence of the fibration $PU(n)\rightarrow PU(n)/T$ with the Gysin sequence of the circle bundle $U(n)\rightarrow PU(n)$, we compute the integral cohomology ring of $PU(n)$ using explicit constructed generators, where $T$ is a maximal torus on $PU(n)$.
H. Duan, “The cohomology of projective unitary groups”, Topology, Geometry, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics, Collected papers. Dedicated to Victor Matveevich Buchstaber on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 326, Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow, 2024, 173–192