Modeling of operational, software and technical systems in rfbr projects
E. M. Lavrischevaab, A. K. Petrenkoacd a Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS
b Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
c Lomonosov Moscow State University
d National Research University Higher School of Economics
A wide range of issues of theory and practice in the development of large-scale software and hybrid software intensive systems, including operating systems, is considered. Issues of configuration management, modeling and verification of such systems, construction of ontological models of subject areas related to application and system software are touched upon. Such multilateral consideration is necessary to ensure reliability, security and elastic development during the multi-year period of operation of infrastructural and mission-critical systems. The paper is based on the materials of studies carried out within the two RFBR projects. In addition to recent results, the authors pay attention to the history of the development of research in the relevant areas in the Soviet Union.
modeling, programming, reuse, variability, security, protection, reliability, quality.
E. M. Lavrischeva, A. K. Petrenko, “Modeling of operational, software and technical systems in rfbr projects”, Proceedings of ISP RAS, 33:6 (2021), 265–280
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