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Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS, 2019, Volume 31, Issue 2, Pages 83–96
(Mi tisp411)

Continuous integrating modules of distributed applied software packages in Orlando Tools

A. G. Feoktistov, S. A. Gorsky, I. A. Sidorov, R. O. Kostromin, E. S. Fereferov, I. V. Bychkov

Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of SB RAS
Abstract: We propose a new approach to solving important practical problems of complex debugging, joint testing, and analysis of the execution time of software module versions in a heterogeneous distributed computing environment that integrating Grid and cloud computing. These problems arise in the process of supporting the continuous integration of modules of distributed applied software packages. The study focuses on the packages that are used to conduct large-scale computational experiments. The scientific novelty of the proposed approach is to combine the methodology for creating the packages with modern software development practices based on its continuous integration using knowledge about the specifics of the problems being solved. Our contribution is multifold. We expanded the capabilities of continuous integration tools by developing new additional tools for the markup and transformation of data from poorly structured sources and predicting modules execution time. In addition, we developed a technological scheme of the joint applying our developed tools and external systems for continuous integration. Therefore, we provide a more large range of capabilities of continuous integration in relation to the processes of creating and using the packages in comparison with the well-known tools. The fundamental basis of their functioning is a new conceptual model of the packages. This model supports the specification, planning, and execution of software continuous integration processes taking into account the specific subject data and problems being solved. Applying the developed tools in practice leads to a decrease in the number of errors and failures of applied software in the development and use of the packages. In turn, such decrease significantly reduces the time for large-scale computational experiments and increases the efficiency of using resources of the environment. The results of practical experiments on the use of system prototype for continuous integration of applied software show their high efficiency.
Keywords: distributed computing environment, applied software packages, software, continuous integration.
Funding agency Grant number
Russian Foundation for Basic Research 19-07-00097
The studies were supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 19-07-00097-a.
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
Language: Russian
Citation: A. G. Feoktistov, S. A. Gorsky, I. A. Sidorov, R. O. Kostromin, E. S. Fereferov, I. V. Bychkov, “Continuous integrating modules of distributed applied software packages in Orlando Tools”, Proceedings of ISP RAS, 31:2 (2019), 83–96
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by A.~G.~Feoktistov, S.~A.~Gorsky, I.~A.~Sidorov, R.~O.~Kostromin, E.~S.~Fereferov, I.~V.~Bychkov
\paper Continuous integrating modules of distributed applied software packages in Orlando Tools
\jour Proceedings of ISP RAS
\yr 2019
\vol 31
\issue 2
\pages 83--96
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