Sibirskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal, 1993, Volume 34, Number 6, Pages 34–48
(Mi smj807)
Singular decomposition of a differential operator on a semiaxis
V. M. Gordienko
For an unbounded operator appearing in a natural connection with a boundary value problem on a semiaxis for a system of ordinary differential equations, we establish a decomposition that generalizes the singular decomposition of the finite-dimensional case. The operator is represented as a product of three operators: an isometry, a nonnegative definite diagonal operator, and one more isometry. The spectral matrix of the decomposition is expressed in terms of a solution to some matrix Lourier–Riccati equation.
Received: 13.05.1992
V. M. Gordienko, “Singular decomposition of a differential operator on a semiaxis”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 34:6 (1993), 34–48; Siberian Math. J., 34:6 (1993), 1027–1040
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