Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki, 2012, Volume 15, Number 3, Pages 261–270
(Mi sjvm478)
Modeling of wave processes in a vapor-liquid medium
V. G. Gasenkoa, G. V. Demidovb, V. P. Il'inb, I. A. Shmakovb a Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk
b Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (Computing Center), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
Numerical methods for modeling nonlinear wave processes in a vapor-liquid medium for a model two-phase spherical symmetric cell, with an applied pressure jump on its external boundary are considered. The viscosity and compressibility of liquid are neglected as well as the space variation of vapor in the bubble. The problem is described by the heat equations in vapor and liquid, and by the system of ODEs for velocity, pressure and a radius at the bubble boundary. The space discretization of equations is made by an implicit finite-volume scheme on the dynamic adaptive grid with the geometrical refinement near the bubble boundary. The “nonlinear” iterations are implemented at each time step to provide a necessary high accuracy. The results of numerical experiments are presented and discussed for critical thermodynamic parameters of water, for different initial values of the bubble radius and pressure jumps.
Key words:
nonlinear wave oscillation, vapor-liquid cell, implicit scheme, dynamic adaptive grid, inverse characteristics method, numerical experiments.
Received: 29.04.2011
V. G. Gasenko, G. V. Demidov, V. P. Il'in, I. A. Shmakov, “Modeling of wave processes in a vapor-liquid medium”, Sib. Zh. Vychisl. Mat., 15:3 (2012), 261–270; Num. Anal. Appl., 5:3 (2012), 213–221
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/sjvm478 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/sjvm/v15/i3/p261