Synthetic routes to 1,2-thiaphosphacyclanes bearing both tri- and tetracoordinate phosphorus atoms, and their reactivity and structural features based on data from X-ray diffraction analysis are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the rare case of ring-chain halogenotropic tautomerism in the series of 1,2-thiaphosphacyclanium salts and related compounds.
Received: 11.03.2003
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Language: English
Original paper language: Russian
I. L. Odinets, N. M. Vinogradova, T. A. Mastryukova, “Synthesis, some properties and structural features of 1,2-thiaphosphacyclanes”, Usp. Khim., 72:9 (2003), 884–901; Russian Chem. Reviews, 72:9 (2003), 787–802
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This publication is cited in the following 7 articles:
I. L. Odinets, O. I. Artyushin, G. V. Bodrin, M. P. Passechnik, K. A. Lyssenko, Russ Chem Bull, 54:3 (2005), 758
Odinets I., Vinogradova N., Matveeva E., Golovanov D., Lyssenko K., Keglevich G., Kollar L., Roeschenthaler G., Mastryukova T., J. Organomet. Chem., 690:10 (2005), 2559–2570
I. L. Odinets, N. M. Vinogradova, T. A. Mastryukova, ChemInform, 35:12 (2004)