The present review addresses the computation of the NMR parameters of $^{109}$Ag, $^{113}$Cd, $^{119}$Sn, $^{125}$Te, $^{195}$Pt, $^{199}$Hg, $^{205}$Tl, and $^{207}$Pb isotopes. The presented material is based on papers that appeared mainly in the interim period of 2000–2020. These calculations are rapidly developing and becoming of increasing practical interest on the cutting edge of modern computational chemistry. The review focuses on the most essential papers in this area, concentrating on the computational aspects of such calculations together with their structural and stereochemical applications in organometallic chemistry, which seems to be urgent and timely.
The bibliography includes 173 references.
Leonid B. Krivdin, “Computational NMR of heavy nuclei involving $^{109}$Ag, $^{113}$Cd, $^{119}$Sn, $^{125}$Te, $^{195}$Pt, $^{199}$Hg, $^{205}$Tl, and $^{207}$Pb”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 90:9 (2021), 1166–1212