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Russian Chemical Reviews, 2015, Volume 84, Issue 9, Pages 981–999
(Mi rcr4069)

This article is cited in 51 scientific papers (total in 51 papers)

Catalytic hydroprocessing of heavy oil feedstocks

A. G. Okunevab, E. V. Parkhomchukabc, A. I. Lysikovabc, P. D. Paruninabc, V. S. Semeikinaabc, V. N. Parmonab

a Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk
b Novosibirsk State University
c Research and Education Centre for Energy Efficient Catalysis, Novosibirsk State University, Russian Federation
Abstract: A grave problem of modern oil refining industry is continuous deterioration of the produced oil quality, on the one hand, and increase in the demand for motor fuels, on the other hand. This necessitates processing of heavy oil feedstock with high contents of sulfur, nitrogen and metals and the atmospheric residue. This feedstock is converted to light oil products via hydrogenation processes catalyzed by transition metal compounds, first of all, cobalt- or nickel-promoted molybdenum and tungsten compounds. The processing involves desulfurization, denitrogenation and demetallization reactions as well as reactions converting heavy hydrocarbons to lighter fuel components. The review discusses the mechanisms of reactions involved in the heavy feedstock hydroprocessing, the presumed structure and state of the catalytically active components and methods for the formation of supports with the desired texture. Practically used and prospective approaches to catalytic upgrading of heavy oil feedstock as well as examples of industrial processing of bitumen and vacuum residues in the presence of catalysts are briefly discussed.
The bibliography includes 140 references.
Received: 13.08.2014
Bibliographic databases:
Language: English
Original paper language: Russian
Citation: A. G. Okunev, E. V. Parkhomchuk, A. I. Lysikov, P. D. Parunin, V. S. Semeikina, V. N. Parmon, “Catalytic hydroprocessing of heavy oil feedstocks”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 84:9 (2015), 981–999
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by A.~G.~Okunev, E.~V.~Parkhomchuk, A.~I.~Lysikov, P.~D.~Parunin, V.~S.~Semeikina, V.~N.~Parmon
\paper Catalytic hydroprocessing of heavy oil feedstocks
\jour Russian Chem. Reviews
\yr 2015
\vol 84
\issue 9
\pages 981--999
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  • This publication is cited in the following 51 articles:
    1. Nikita N. Sviridenko, Akim S. Akimov, Petroleum Science and Technology, 41:11 (2023), 1147  crossref
    2. E.V. Parkhomchuk, K.V. Fedotov, A.I. Lysikov, A.V. Polukhin, E.E. Vorobyeva, I.A. Shamanaeva, N.N. Sankova, D.O. Shestakova, D.M. Reshetnikov, A.V. Volf, A.V. Kleymenov, V.N. Parmon, Fuel, 341 (2023), 127714  crossref
    3. E.E. Vorobyeva, I.A. Shamanaeva, A.V. Polukhin, A.I. Lysikov, E.V. Parkhomchuk, Fuel, 334 (2023), 126676  crossref
    4. E. N. Efremenko, I. V. Lyagin, O. V. Maslova, O. V. Senko, N. A. Stepanov, A. G. Aslanli, Russian Chem. Reviews, 92:2 (2023), RCR5069  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  scopus
    5. Cai Zh., Ma Y., Zhang J., Wu W., Cao Ya., Jiang L., Huang K., Fuel, 313 (2022), 122664  crossref  isi  scopus
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    19. E. V. Parkhomchuk, K. V. Fedotov, V. S. Semeykina, A. I. Lysikov, Catal. Today, 353:SI (2020), 180–186  crossref  isi  scopus
    20. N. N. Sviridenko, A. K. Golovko, N. P. Kirik, A. G. Anshits, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng., 112 (2020), 97–105  crossref  isi  scopus
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