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Russian Chemical Reviews, 1995, Volume 64, Issue 6, Pages 491–522
(Mi rcr1238)

This article is cited in 30 scientific papers (total in 30 papers)

Specific features of the reactivity of organotellurium compounds

I. D. Sadekov, V. I. Minkin

Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry at Rostov State University
Abstract: The characteristic features of the reactivity of the principal classes of organic compounds of tellurium(II) and tellurium(IV) are examined and compared with the analogous compounds of sulfur and selenium. The factors determing the specific features of the chemical behaviour of orgamotellurium compounds are characterised. It is shown that the possibility of the convenient introduction of tellurium-containing functional groups, their structural modification, elimination, the low-temperature elimination of the tellurium atom as a result of the low energy of the C–Te bond, and the high nucleophilicity of the tellurolate anions and diorganyl tellurides together with other properties create preconditions for the development of a new methodology in organic synthesis. The bibliography includes 446 references.
Received: 03.03.1995
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
UDC: 546.24.07
Language: English
Original paper language: Russian

Citation: I. D. Sadekov, V. I. Minkin, “Specific features of the reactivity of organotellurium compounds”, Usp. Khim., 64:6 (1995), 527–561; Russian Chem. Reviews, 64:6 (1995), 491–522
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  • This publication is cited in the following 30 articles:
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    2. Nail S. Akhmadiev, Vnira R. Akhmetova, Chem Heterocycl Comp, 59:9-10 (2023), 631  crossref
    3. V. S. Nikonova, V. A. Grabelnykh, I. N. Bogdanova, N. G. Sosnovskaya, N. V. Istomina, N. B. Russavskaya, I. B. Rozentsveig, N. A. Korchevin, Russ J Gen Chem, 91:5 (2021), 814  crossref
    4. E. P. Levanova, V. S. Nikonova, V. A. Grabel'nykh, I. B. Rozentsveig, N. V. Russavskaya, A. I. Albanov, N. A. Korchevin, Russ J Gen Chem, 86:6 (2016), 1282  crossref
    5. E. P. Levanova, V. S. Nikonova, V. A. Grabel'nykh, N. V. Russavskaya, A. I. Albanov, I. B. Rozentsveig, N. A. Korchevin, Russ J Org Chem, 52:7 (2016), 1070  crossref
    6. Semenov N.A. Lonchakov A.V. Gritsan N.P. Zibarev A.V., Russ. Chem. Bull., 64:3 (2015), 499–510  crossref  isi
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    8. Levanova E.P., Vakhrina V.S., Grabel'nykh V.A., Rozentsveig I.B., Russavskaya N.V., Albanov A.I., Korchevin N.A., Russ. J. Organ. Chem., 50:2 (2014), 175–178  crossref  isi
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