The characteristic features of the kinetics and dynamics of processes occurring on laser heating of chemically reactive media are analysed. Attention is concentrated on effects due to the macroscopic disequilibrium and the feedbacks between various degrees of freedom of thermochemical systems. Processes stimulated by laser radiation in homogeneous media, the phenomena occurring on laser heating of metals, and the physicochemical processes occurring on laser heating of liquids are considered. Examples of certain technological applications of laser thermochemistry are presented: laser-indused precipitation of a substance from the gas phase, etching and modification of surfaces, synthesis of compounds, etc. The bibliography includes 123 references.
Received: 22.12.1992
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Language: English
Original paper language: Russian
N. V. Karlov, N. A. Kirichenko, B. S. Luk'yanchuk, “Macroscopic kinetics of thermochemical processes on laser heating: current state and prospects”, Usp. Khim., 62:3 (1993), 223–248; Russian Chem. Reviews, 62:3 (1993), 203–226
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