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Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2022, Volume 27, Issue 4, Pages 381–408
(Mi rcd1171)

This article is cited in 2 scientific papers (total in 2 papers)

Alexey Borisov Memorial Volume

The Role of Tidal Forces in the Long-term Evolution of the Galilean System

Alessandra Cellettia, Efsevia Karampotsioub, Christoph Lhotkaa, Giuseppe Pucaccoc, Mara Volpia

a Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma, Italy
b Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
c Department of Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma, Italy
Citations (2)
Abstract: The Galilean satellites of Jupiter are called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. The first three moons are found in the so-called Laplace resonance, which means that their orbits are locked in a 2 : 1 resonant chain. Dissipative tidal effects play a fundamental role, especially when considered on long timescales. The main objective of this work is the study of the persistence of the resonance along the evolution of the system when considering the tidal interaction between Jupiter and Io. To constrain the computational cost of the task, we enhance this dissipative effect by means of a multiplying factor. We develop a simplified model to study the propagation of the tidal effects from Io to the other moons, resulting in the outward migration of the satellites. We provide an analytical description of the phenomenon, as well as the behaviour of the semi-major axis of Io as a function of the figure of merit. We also consider the interaction of the inner trio with Callisto, using a more elaborated Hamiltonian model allowing us to study the long-term evolution of the system along few gigayears. We conclude by studying the possibility of the trapping into resonance of Callisto depending on its initial conditions.
Keywords: Laplace resonance, tidal dissipation, libration, normal form.
Funding agency Grant number
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca CUP E83C18000100006
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research 20178CJA2B
A.C., C. L. and G. P. acknowledge EU-ITN Stardust-R. A.C. (partially) and C. L. acknowledge the MIUR Excellence Department Project awarded to the Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, CUP E83C18000100006. A.C. (partially), C. L. and G. P. acknowledge MIURPRIN 20178CJA2B “New Frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: Theory and Applications”, ASI Contract no. 2018-25-HH.0 (Scientific Activities for JUICE, C/D phase). C. L., G.P. and M. V. acknowledge the GNFM/INdAM. E.K. and M.V. acknowledge the ASI Contract no. 2018-25-HH.0 (Scientific Activities for JUICE, C/D phase). The research of E.K. was mainly done during her stay at the Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata during the years 2019-2021. G. P. is partially supported by INFN (Sezione di Roma II).
Received: 08.01.2022
Accepted: 08.04.2022
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
MSC: 70F10, 70F15
Language: English
Citation: Alessandra Celletti, Efsevia Karampotsiou, Christoph Lhotka, Giuseppe Pucacco, Mara Volpi, “The Role of Tidal Forces in the Long-term Evolution of the Galilean System”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 27:4 (2022), 381–408
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by Alessandra Celletti, Efsevia Karampotsiou, Christoph Lhotka, Giuseppe Pucacco, Mara Volpi
\paper The Role of Tidal Forces in the Long-term Evolution
of the Galilean System
\jour Regul. Chaotic Dyn.
\yr 2022
\vol 27
\issue 4
\pages 381--408
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