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Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2004, Volume 34, Number 11, Pages 1007–1010 (Mi qe2658)  

This article is cited in 51 scientific papers (total in 51 papers)

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Pulsed volume discharge in a nonuniform electric field at a high pressure and the short leading edge of a voltage pulse

S. B. Alekseev, V. P. Gubanov, I. D. Kostyrya, V. M. Orlovskii, V. S. Skakun, V. F. Tarasenko

Institute of High Current Electronics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk
Abstract: It is shown that a volume discharge is formed in a nonuniform electric field for the short leading edge of a voltage pulse and nanosecond pulse duration without any additional preionisation source in various gases at pressures higher than atmospheric (6 atm in helium and 3 atm in nitrogen). Lasing at atomic transitions in Xe is obtained in an Ar–Xe mixture under a pressure of 1.2 atm for an active length of 1.5 cm. A record-high specific power input (more than 0.8 GW cm-3 under a pressure 1 atm in air) is realised in the volume discharge stage. The volume discharge is formed due to preionisation of the discharge gap by fast electrons accelerated due to amplification of the electric field in the cathode region and in the gap. In a nonuniform electric field, volume discharge is realised under a quasistationary voltage from 10 to 180 kV across the gap, at a pulse repetition rate of up to 160 Hz and for various discharge gap geometries.
Received: 25.03.2004
Revised: 03.08.2004
English version:
Quantum Electronics, 2004, Volume 34, Issue 11, Pages 1007–1010
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1070/QE2004v034n11ABEH002658
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
PACS: 52.80.-s, 42.55.Ks, 42.60.Lh
Language: Russian

Citation: S. B. Alekseev, V. P. Gubanov, I. D. Kostyrya, V. M. Orlovskii, V. S. Skakun, V. F. Tarasenko, “Pulsed volume discharge in a nonuniform electric field at a high pressure and the short leading edge of a voltage pulse”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:11 (2004), 1007–1010 [Quantum Electron., 34:11 (2004), 1007–1010]
Linking options:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe2658
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe/v34/i11/p1007
  • This publication is cited in the following 51 articles:
    1. Mikhail Erofeev, Mikhail Lomaev, Vasilii Ripenko, Mikhail Shulepov, Dmitry Sorokin, Victor Tarasenko, Plasma, 2:1 (2019), 27  crossref
    2. Babaeva N.Yu., Naidis G.V., Tereshonok D.V., Son E.E., J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 51:43 (2018), 434002  crossref  isi  scopus
    3. Erofeev M.V., Ripenko V.S., Shulepov M.A., Tarasenko V.F., Instrum. Exp. Tech., 60:2 (2017), 287–289  crossref  isi  scopus
    4. Novikov V.A., Grigoryev D.V., Bezrodnyy D.A., Tarasenko V.F., Shulepov M.A., Dvoretsky S.A., Mikhailov N.N., J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 49:9 (2016), 095112  crossref  isi  scopus
    5. Erofeev M.V., Shulepov M.A., Ivanov Yu.F., Oskomov K.V., Tarasenko V.F., Russ. Phys. J., 58:11 (2016), 1557–1562  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
    6. Barko A.V., Pishchagin A.A., Grigoryev D.V., Tarasenko V.F., Shulepov M.A., 3Rd International School and Conference on Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures (Saint Petersburg Open 2016), Journal of Physics Conference Series, 741, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2016, UNSP 012098  crossref  isi  scopus
    7. Panchenko A.N., Lomaev M.I., Panchenko N.A., Tarasenko V.F., Suslov A.I., Xx International Symposium on High-Power Laser Systems and Applications 2014, Proceedings of Spie, 9255, eds. Tang C., Chen S., Tang X., Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2015, 92552V  crossref  isi  scopus
    8. Quantum Electron., 45:4 (2015), 366–370  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib
    9. Orlovskii V.M. Panarin V.A. Shulepov M.A., Tech. Phys. Lett., 41:12 (2015), 1152–1155  crossref  isi  scopus
    10. Voitsekhovskii A.V., Nesmelov S.N., Dzyadukh S.M., Grigor'ev D.V., Tarasenko V.F., Shulepov M.A., Russ. Phys. J., 58:7 (2015), 970–977  crossref  isi  scopus
    11. Lomaev M.I. Beloplotov D.V. Tarasenko V.F. Sorokin D.A., IEEE Trns. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 22:4 (2015), 1833–1840  crossref  isi  scopus
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    13. Grigoryev D.V., Voitsekhovskii A.V., Lozovoy K.A., Nesmelov S.N., Dzyadukh S.M., Tarasenko V.F., Shulepov M.A., Dvoretskii S.A., International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers Xii, Proceedings of Spie, 9810, eds. Tarasenko V., Kabanov A., Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2015, 98100U  crossref  isi  scopus
    14. Orlovskii V.M. Panarin V.A. Shulepov M.A., International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers Xii, Proceedings of Spie, 9810, ed. Tarasenko V. Kabanov A., Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2015, 981014  crossref  isi  scopus
    15. Panchenko A.N. Lomaev M.I. Panchenko N.A. Tarasenko V.F. Suslov A.I., International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers Xii, Proceedings of Spie, 9810, ed. Tarasenko V. Kabanov A., Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2015, 981004  crossref  isi  scopus
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    17. Tarasenko V., Erofeev M., Shulepov M., 2014 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems (Meacs), IEEE, 2015  isi
    18. Panchenko A.N. Lomaev M.I. Panchenko N.A. Tarasenko V.F. Suslov A.I., Third International Symposium on Laser Interaction With Matter, Proceedings of Spie, 9543, ed. Andreev Y. Lin Z. Ni X. Ye X., Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2015, 95432B  crossref  isi  scopus
    19. Erofeev M.V., Shulepov M.A., Oskomov K. V. and Tarasenko V.F., 12Th International Conference on Gas Discharge Plasmas and Their Applications, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 652, eds. Koval N., Landl N., Bogdan A., Yudin A., IOP Publishing Ltd, 2015, 012039  crossref  isi  scopus
    20. A. N. Panchenko, N. A. Panchenko, M. I. Lomaev, V. F. Tarasenko, Atmos Ocean Opt, 27:2 (2014), 200  crossref  scopus
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