The operation principle of a quantum computer is proposed based on a system of dielectric nanoparticles activated with two-level atoms – cubits, in which electric dipole transitions are excited by short intense optical pulses. It is proved that the logical operation (logical operator) CNOT (controlled NOT) is performed by means of time-dependent transfer of quantum information over `long' (of the order of 104 nm) distances between spherical nanoparticles owing to the delayed interaction between them in the optical radiation field. It is shown that one-cubit and two-cubit logical operators required for quantum calculations can be realised by selectively exciting dielectric particles with short optical pulses.
O. N. Gadomsky, Yu. Ya. Kharitonov, “Quantum computer based on activated dielectric nanoparticles selectively interacting with short optical pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:3 (2004), 249–254 [Quantum Electron., 34:3 (2004), 249–254]
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