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Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2002, Volume 32, Number 4, Pages 367–372 (Mi qe2200)  

This article is cited in 32 scientific papers (total in 32 papers)

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

Measurement of thermal conductivity of polycrystalline CVD diamond by laser-induced transient grating technique

E. V. Ivakina, A. V. Sukhodolova, V. G. Ral'chenkob, A. V. Vlasovb, A. V. Khomichc

a B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
b Natural Sciences Center at General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow
c Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino
Abstract: The tangential thermal diffusivity $D_\parallel$ and thermal conductivity $k_\parallel$ of diamond plates grown from the gaseous phase by chemical vapour deposition (CVD diamond) are determined by the transient grating technique in the temperature range 25 – 200$^\circ$C. Samples of insulating and boron-doped polycrystalline diamond of thickness about 0.3 mm and diameter 63 mm were synthesised in a microwave discharge in mixtures of methane and hydrogen. In view of the intense light scattering by the samples, a photosensitive grating recording technique was developed and used for measurements. It was found that the value $k_\parallel$ amounts to 18 – 20 W cm $^{-1}$ K $^{-1}$ at room temperature, approaching the thermal conductivity of the highest purity single crystals of diamond. A comparison of the value of $k_\parallel$ with the normal thermal conductivity $k_\perp$ determined by the flash method reveals a thermal conductivity anisotropy of about 10% – 20% associated with the texture of the diamond film, the normal component of thermal conductivity being larger than the tangential component. Boron-doped diamond displays a dependence of the transient grating kinetics on the excitation wavelength. The obtained results indicate that CVD diamond is a promising material for preparing efficient heat sinks, especially of large size, used in microelectronic devices and laser engineering.
Received: 08.02.2002
English version:
Quantum Electronics, 2002, Volume 32, Issue 4, Pages 367–372
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1070/QE2002v032n04ABEH002200
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
PACS: 81.05.Uw, 65.40.-b, 42.25.Hz
Language: Russian
Citation: E. V. Ivakin, A. V. Sukhodolov, V. G. Ral'chenko, A. V. Vlasov, A. V. Khomich, “Measurement of thermal conductivity of polycrystalline CVD diamond by laser-induced transient grating technique”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 32:4 (2002), 367–372 [Quantum Electron., 32:4 (2002), 367–372]
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by E.~V.~Ivakin, A.~V.~Sukhodolov, V.~G.~Ral'chenko, A.~V.~Vlasov, A.~V.~Khomich
\paper Measurement of thermal conductivity of polycrystalline CVD diamond by laser-induced transient grating technique
\jour Kvantovaya Elektronika
\yr 2002
\vol 32
\issue 4
\pages 367--372
\jour Quantum Electron.
\yr 2002
\vol 32
\issue 4
\pages 367--372
Linking options:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe2200
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe/v32/i4/p367
  • This publication is cited in the following 32 articles:
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