This article is cited in 20 scientific papers (total in 20 papers)
Optical traps
Transient processes under dynamic excitation of a coherent population trapping resonance
S. A. Khripunova, D. A. Radnatarova, S. M. Kobtseva, V. I. Yudinabc, A. V. Taichenachevab, M. Yu. Basalaevabc, M. V. Balabasd, V. A. Andryushkova, I. D. Popkova a Novosibirsk State University
b Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
c Novosibirsk State Technical University
d Saint Petersburg State University
It is shown for the first time that under dynamic excitation of a coherent population trapping resonance in Rb vapours at different bichromatic pump modulation frequencies from a few tens of hertz and higher, the resonance is dramatically deformed as a result of emerging intensity oscillations of radiation transmitted through an Rb vapour cell. A significant change in the shape of the resonance under its dynamic excitation is confirmed experimentally and theoretically. A possible impact of the identified changes in the shape of the coherent population trapping resonance on the stability of an atomic clock is qualitatively discussed.
coherent population trapping resonance, atomic clock, dynamic excitation of the atomic system, transient processes in the atomic system.
Received: 07.12.2015 Revised: 01.03.2016
S. A. Khripunov, D. A. Radnatarov, S. M. Kobtsev, V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, M. Yu. Basalaev, M. V. Balabas, V. A. Andryushkov, I. D. Popkov, “Transient processes under dynamic excitation of a coherent population trapping resonance”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:7 (2016), 668–671 [Quantum Electron., 46:7 (2016), 668–671]
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