Narrow resonances are observed in the course of recording the individual emission lines of the glow discharge in the mixture of isotopes 20Ne and 22Ne, depending on the strength of the longitudinal magnetic field. The position of resonances in the magnetic scale corresponds to the compensation of the isotopic shift for certain spectral lines due to the Zeeman effect. It is found that the contrast of the resonances is higher for the transitions between the highly excited energy levels, and the resonances themselves are formed in the zone of longitudinal spatial nonuniformity of the magnetic field.
neon, isotopes, optical magnetic resonances, collective spontaneous emission.
E. G. Saprykin, V. A. Sorokin, A.M. Shalagin, “Observation of narrow isotopic optical magnetic resonances in individual emission spectral lines of neon”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 45:7 (2015), 672–679 [Quantum Electron., 45:7 (2015), 672–679]
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