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Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2015, Volume 45, Number 5, Pages 443–450 (Mi qe16166)  

This article is cited in 32 scientific papers (total in 32 papers)

Extreme light fields and their applications

Fibre amplifier based on an ytterbium-doped active tapered fibre for the generation of megawatt peak power ultrashort optical pulses

M. Yu. Koptevab, E. A. Anashkinaab, K. K. Bobkovc, M. E. Likhachevc, A. E. Levchenkoc, S. S. Aleshkinac, S. L. Semjonovc, A. N. Denisovc, M. M. Bubnovc, D. S. Lipatovad, A. Yu. Laptevd, A. N. Gur'yanovd, A. V. Andrianovab, S. V. Muravyevab, A. V. Kimab

a N. I. Lobachevski State University of Nizhni Novgorod
b Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhnii Novgorod
c Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
d Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances RAS, Nizhnii Novgorod
Abstract: We report a new ytterbium-doped active tapered fibre used in the output amplifier stage of a fibre laser system for the generation of megawatt peak power ultrashort pulses in the microjoule energy range. The tapered fibre is single-mode at its input end (core and cladding diameters of 10 and 80 $\mu\mathrm m$) and multimode at its output end (diameters of 45 and 430 $\mu\mathrm m$), but ultrashort pulses are amplified in a quasi-single-mode regime. Using a hybrid Er/Yb fibre system comprising an erbium master oscillator and amplifier at a wavelength near 1.5 $\mu\mathrm m$, a nonlinear wavelength converter to the 1 $\mu\mathrm m$ range and a three-stage ytterbium-doped fibre amplifier, we obtained pulses of 1 $\mu\mathrm J$ energy and 7 ps duration, which were then compressed by a grating-pair dispersion compressor with 60 % efficiency to a 130 fs duration, approaching the transform-limited pulse duration. The present experimental data agree well with numerical simulation results for pulse amplification in the threestage amplifier.
Keywords: ytterbium-doped tapered fibre, Er/Yb fibre laser system, ultrashort pulse amplification.
Received: 29.01.2015
English version:
Quantum Electronics, 2015, Volume 45, Issue 5, Pages 443–450
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1070/QE2015v045n05ABEH015762
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
PACS: 42.55.Wd, 42.60.By, 42.81.Bm
Language: Russian
Citation: M. Yu. Koptev, E. A. Anashkina, K. K. Bobkov, M. E. Likhachev, A. E. Levchenko, S. S. Aleshkina, S. L. Semjonov, A. N. Denisov, M. M. Bubnov, D. S. Lipatov, A. Yu. Laptev, A. N. Gur'yanov, A. V. Andrianov, S. V. Muravyev, A. V. Kim, “Fibre amplifier based on an ytterbium-doped active tapered fibre for the generation of megawatt peak power ultrashort optical pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 45:5 (2015), 443–450 [Quantum Electron., 45:5 (2015), 443–450]
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by M.~Yu.~Koptev, E.~A.~Anashkina, K.~K.~Bobkov, M.~E.~Likhachev, A.~E.~Levchenko, S.~S.~Aleshkina, S.~L.~Semjonov, A.~N.~Denisov, M.~M.~Bubnov, D.~S.~Lipatov, A.~Yu.~Laptev, A.~N.~Gur'yanov, A.~V.~Andrianov, S.~V.~Muravyev, A.~V.~Kim
\paper Fibre amplifier based on an ytterbium-doped active tapered fibre for the generation of megawatt peak power ultrashort optical pulses
\jour Kvantovaya Elektronika
\yr 2015
\vol 45
\issue 5
\pages 443--450
\jour Quantum Electron.
\yr 2015
\vol 45
\issue 5
\pages 443--450
Linking options:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe16166
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe/v45/i5/p443
  • This publication is cited in the following 32 articles:
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