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Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2013, Volume 43, Number 9, Pages 859–864 (Mi qe15158)  

This article is cited in 16 scientific papers (total in 16 papers)

Effect of laser light on matter. Laser plasmas

Selective emission and luminescence of Er2O3 under intense laser excitation

V. M. Marchenkoa, L. D. Iskhakovab, M. I. Studenikina

a Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
b Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Abstract: The microstructure of Er2O3 polycrystals synthesised by laser heating is studied. The synthesis of erbium silicate (Er2SiO5) layers was observed upon interaction of Er2O3 and SiO2 melts. The dependences of the selective emission (SE) and luminescence spectra of Er2O3 polycrystals in the range 200 – 1700 nm on the intensity of laser-thermal (at the wavelength λ = 10.6 μm) and resonant laser (λ ≈ 975 nm) excitation are investigated. The emission of heated Er2O3 polycrystals arises as a result of multiphonon relaxation of absorbed energy and is a superposition of the SE at the electronic-vibrational transitions of Er3+ ions and the thermal radiation of the crystal lattice. The shape of the SE spectra of Er2O3 polycrystals in the range 400 – 1700 nm almost does not change upon laser-thermal heating from 300 to 1500 K and subsequent cooling and corresponds to the absorption spectra of Er3+ ions. With increasing temperature, the thermal radiation intensity increases faster than the SE intensity, and the shape of the Er2O3 spectrum becomes closer to the calculated spectrum of a blackbody. The anti-Stokes luminescence spectra of Er3+ ions formed under intense laser excitation of the 4I11/2 level are explained by additional SE caused by heating of the crystal matrix due to the Stokes losses. A difference between the SE and luminescence spectra is observed at low intensities of resonant laser excitation and low temperatures, when only the Stokes luminescence occurs. The temperature dependences of the SE and luminescence spectra of Er2O3 upon laser excitation testify to the fundamental role played by the interaction of the electronic f-shell of Er3+ ions with crystal lattice vibrations in the processes of multiphonon radiative and nonradiative relaxation. The laser-thermal synthesis is promising for inprocess variation of the chemical composition of rare-earth samples.
Keywords: Er2O3, laser-thermal synthesis, microstructure, laser spectroscopy, selective emission, luminescence, quantum electronics, microelectronics, thermophotovoltaics, hypersonic aerodynamics.
Received: 18.02.2013
English version:
Quantum Electronics, 2013, Volume 43, Issue 9, Pages 859–864
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1070/QE2013v043n09ABEH015158
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
PACS: 78.60.Lc, 32.50.+d
Language: Russian

Citation: V. M. Marchenko, L. D. Iskhakova, M. I. Studenikin, “Selective emission and luminescence of Er2O3 under intense laser excitation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 43:9 (2013), 859–864 [Quantum Electron., 43:9 (2013), 859–864]
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  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe15158
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe/v43/i9/p859
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