Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
October 15, 2008 16:45, Moscow, MSU, auditorium 16-24
Multidimensional coherent risk measures and their application
to the solution of problems of financial mathematics
A. V. Kulikov |
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We deal with multidimensional coherent and convex risk measures. The
approach described takes into account risks of changing currency
exchange rates and transaction costs. Representation theorems for
multidimensional risk measures are proved. Note that the case of
random currency exchange rates is introduced. Two applications of
multidimensional coherent risk measures are considered: to the
capital allocation problem and to the problem of risk contribution.
The application of multidimensional coherent risk measures to the
problem of pricing is considered. I.e., we consider pricing based on
No Good Deals (NGD). Dynamic model of currency exchange rates is
considered and the sets of fair prices are considered. High and low
prices along datum lines, sub- and superhedging along direction are
introduced and examples are considered.
The various multidimensional generalizations of one of the most
important coherent risk measure as Tail V@R are considered. Three
different approaches are considered. Several financial situations in
which these functions give different result are considered and the
conditions when they coincide are also studied. Another important
property as space consistency is introduced. Also law invariance
property is given in multidimensional case. The various
generalizations of Tail V@R are tested if they are space consistent,
law invariant or not. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for
multidimensional risk measures to be space consistent and law
invariant are given. Three generalizations of Weighted V@R are also