In this talk I want to address the problem of finding the locally flat
left-invariant contact structures on a three dimensional Lie Group up to
conformal transformations, that is I will determine the ones locally
conformally equivalent to the Heisenberg algebra $\mathbb H_3$. In
particular I will show how to build the Fefferman metric associated to a
generic three dimensional contact structure (not necessarily
left-invariant) and by means of this construction I will give the explicit
formula for the (unique) conformal invariant associated to such a
structure. Next, specializing the study to the left-invariant case, I will
give a complete list of the locally conformally flat structures which may
appear and I will find the explicit form of the maps $\varphi: M\to \mathbb
R$ which flatten our structures, and I will show that they are essentially
(i.e. up to multiplication by a constant) unique.
$ $ Theorem.Let$(M,\Delta,g)$be a left-invariant 3D contact structure. Then it is locally conformally flat if and only if its canonical frame
satisfies one of the following \begin{equation*}
\text{i)}\; \left\{
\right.\qquad\text{ii)}\; \left\{
\end{equation*} or \begin{equation*}
\text{iii)}\; \left\{
[f_1,f_0]&=&\kappa f_2,\\
[f_2,f_0]&=&-\kappa f_1,\qquad \kappa<0.
\end{equation*} Where$\kappa$is the curvature of the structure. $ $ Open question 1.
Give a complete classification (i.e. not just the locally conformally flat ones) of left-invariant three dimesional contact structures,
up to real rescalings.
$ $ Open question 2.
Give satisfactory criteria to determine whether a given three dimesional contact structure (not necessarily left-invariant)
is locally conformally flat or not.