Let $M$ be a manifold with an action of a torus $G$. If $A$ is an elliptic (or
transversally elliptic) operator on $M$, invariant under $G$, the equivariant
index of $A$ is a virtual representation of $G$. We express it as a sum of characters,
$\mathop{\rm index}(A)(g) = \sum_{\lambda \in \hat{G}} m(\lambda) g^{\lambda}$,
and obtain a function
m\colon \hat{G} \to \mathbb{Z}.
From the Chern character of the symbol of $A$, we produce a piecewise
polynomial function
M\colon Lie(G)^* \to \mathbb{R}.
The function $M$ restricted to $\hat{G}$ coincides with $m$ (under some simplifying
This work in progress extends some common preceding work with De Concini–Procesi.